Who got snow?

here still snow allll dayy :squint: :cold:

you already have 9"?!?!?! wow!

Yep! Now we have 11". But they say its starting to move out. Still getting some light snow though.
Wow, Jillio. You must be so exhausted working so long. I bet you're looking forward to a long peaceful sleep after getting off (hopefully someone will come in and relieve you) eh?

Looks like I will not get any relief until 8:00 am Sunday morning. But I was able to catch a nap for about 4 hours this afternoon on the couch in my office. Then the phone started ringing again. I'm hoping it will be a quiet night.
Looks like I will not get any relief until 8:00 am Sunday morning. But I was able to catch a nap for about 4 hours this afternoon on the couch in my office. Then the phone started ringing again. I'm hoping it will be a quiet night.

I will be crossing my fingers for you! Being that exhausted is no fun!
It has been snowing since yesterday morning and it hasn't stopped, It still snowing as of right now. two days of snow non-stoppable. Let's see by tomorrow if it will stop snowing. :fingersx:
it snowed here all night and melted this morning :(

sucks.. that's what I get from being in the south ;)

its pretty cold here though.
it snowed here all night and melted this morning :(

Serious? We got snow storm, heavy snow, blowing and drifting snow hard to see outside especially driving on the road, RR got stuck twice, it's really bad out there :cold:.
The weather have been warm here and melting the snow alot now. But my front door there is pile of ice on my step and I had to use hot water to melt away the ice to get the front door open. Oh brother. I hated it.
Here are some snow pics:


my dog


my car

Serious? We got snow storm, heavy snow, blowing and drifting snow hard to see outside especially driving on the road, RR got stuck twice, it's really bad out there :cold:.

yeah, the ground isn't cold enough for the snow to stay. :( Poor you guys! i know that's got to be rough!
Looks like I will not get any relief until 8:00 am Sunday morning. But I was able to catch a nap for about 4 hours this afternoon on the couch in my office. Then the phone started ringing again. I'm hoping it will be a quiet night.

Wow, You poor thing. Let's hope it's a quiet night for you.

The snow has stopped falling here but it is still nasty outside. It looks brutal outside. Ugh, I so cannot wait until the weather gets warmer. So far, it's been like around 6 inches of snow here.
Wow, You poor thing. Let's hope it's a quiet night for you.

The snow has stopped falling here but it is still nasty outside. It looks brutal outside. Ugh, I so cannot wait until the weather gets warmer. So far, it's been like around 6 inches of snow here.

*nods* i know how feel cuz i can't stand of SNOW 2 days in rows *thud* hurryyy SNOW gotta MELT! :giggle:
poor you all people in ohio that hit by snowstorm badly awww hugs you guys
hohguyohio your dog look like he/she were having fun playing in the snow heh
my home dont have lots of snow! just small amounts like 1-2 inches in North Little Rock,Ar so snow start friday March 7 for one days they got little melt.And also we dont have ICE road also PHEW! but i can walk without ICE than fall!