Yeah, I used to use, then I got really mad when access become paid-only. That must piss off people who had submitted information about their families.
Anyway, I do have an assortment of families, and one great-grandmother mentioned that we might be related to President Franklin Pierce. One of my great-N-grandfathers (George B Wallace) became a Mormon and thus moved to Nevada to have four more wives (of which three were sisters from Paris) and 42 children (his first wife and three children left him over his conversion). I also like to think I might be related to the deaf people in Henniker, NH area (Thomas Brown, Nahum Brown, etc). There was an ancester who was involved with the Boston Tea Party.
All that was on my mother's side.
On my father's side, not much to know except that my dad's grandparents moved to the US from Italy and that my dad's grandfather disappeared while the family of six were living in Albany, NY. Who knows what happened to him.
Kristy, I know. I don't like what is doing. Used to be free yes. There are other sites but it is not the same. There are a very few free ones. A bit harder to do research. That is what I do.
I have over 3000 names so far. I have one linage that goes back to William the Conquerier who took over England in 1066. I am not related to him. My pastor is! William's right hand man is the one I am related to. Degryle (named eventually changed to Gridley). Everyone around here know who are the Gridleys. That is my mother's side of the family (her mother's). Everyone in my hometown in Central NY (Syracuse) know about Gridley because of the farm estate in Chittenango and Fayetteville, NY. Came thru CT. Also the historic landmark downtown Syracuse bears the family name. Gridley Building. This building housed Salt Spring National Bank--our bank. This building symbolized the City of Syracuse. Always seen on pictures, tv, etc.
My mom's father's family had well connected as well. Former P&G President, Mayor of Yonkers I believe, and the Laragh Castle in Ireland.
I also have a linage that goes back to 1340.. through a cousin who made family tree because he is a Mormon. I am not a Mormon. This cousin is from my father's side.
My surname is connected well known as well. The businesses bearing my last name. It is family tradition we all start our own business. Hence you can see my Upstate NY Truth Hunters and other businessses I have.
My gradfather on my father's side told me that a cousin of my uncle (not blood but by marriage) who is married to my father's sister was a Cardinal who almost made Pope back in the 60's or so. Instead they elected someone else to be Pope John just before John Paul the First. The cousin was placed close to be elected.. second place. That is the Iorio family.
There are so many surnames I counted like 30 of them. Not counting name changes. It may be around 60 with same name changed.
I am also related to a cousin who marched to Atlanta, GA back in 1979 from Syracuse, NY in hoping to work for the Atlanta Braves but Ted Turner turned him down. The Chicago White Sox hired him instead. Yes, he walked 1000 miles or so from Valentine's Day to Opening Day 1979. It was all over on the news, newspapers, and radio. Not the net because that was before the internet came out in 1990's.
As per related to the Gridley Family, I am also related to Gates who had money and property in the past 300 years or so that they RENTED from the Native Americans. Payment you wanted to know? 1 Dollar and a Ear of Corn. Heck that was best deal ever made. Contracted for 999 years. It was the Gates Family actually bought the newly build Gridley Building in around 1880's as a gift. Fanny Gates who was married to a Oliver Gridley bought it for her husband as a gift. Wow, what a romantic story! Wealthy yes.
BTW, the Dollar back in 1700 AD was very expensive but was smart to make that contract though because it became cheap today. Contract did not change.
Another spouse married to a Gridley was a Socialite. Think Paris Hilton, everyone. No, not her! Hahaha. Her wealth and personality almost. Her last name was Everson who liked to flirt with men but also donated alot of money to the museum today bearing her last name, Everson Museum.
My wife on another hand is related to two presidents. Both Adams.
I am also related to Adam and Eve as well as Noah and family. We all are related! All of us!
I am also related to a Jewish person that my father's family does not want to talk about. Wow! It made sense with my face that I looked just like my college buddy who is full blooded Jewish with the Levi Tribe. Intersting! People mistaken us for brothers related by blood but we were not and I found out when I came home from college and yes, it is in the blood but I look more like my mother's father who was NOT Jewish at all. Quite spooky I say.
It is far harder to trace longer than 1000 years. Same with my pastor. We heard many people have hard time to beat the 1000 years in length. I have so many names on my family tree because of my cousin gave me his share of list.
Being first born male of first born of first born etc.. ends with me because I did not have children because no girl wanted to marry me when I was younger. Instead I married an older woman who can not have children.

Adoption is not an option. Still married for almost 6 years and met 8 years ago. Oh well!