Who Did Your....


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
Who did Your Avatar and Signature for AllDeaf? Yourself? a Friend or a Member of AD?

VamPyroX did both (my Signature and Avatar) I think he did Real Good and Thank you Shawn;)
I did my avatar myself. It’s a scan of my high school yearbook photo. :mrgreen:
I did these avatar and signature myself by doing some researching on other signatures from AllDeaf.com. I enjoy making them. I still am learning on how to make them. :thumb: Thank you for asking.
I created my own avatar and signature too.. :) I still being enjoy creating the avatar and signature for anyone on ADers too.. :thumb:
Pinkster did my avatar and my sig is quotes i liked -- the old sig i used to have were created by Deaf258 til his site went down
Fly Free said:
Pinkster did my avatar and my sig is quotes i liked -- the old sig i used to have were created by Deaf258 til his site went down

Pinkster did a real good Job on ur Avatar! and Deaf258 did Real good too hope u can get your back again.:)
ChelEler; Ur boys are Beautiful! U did real good yourself. ;)
Thank you, and I am wondering how to make the pix moving like yours. I do not get the concept of how it works. :dunno:
Don't feel bad, ChelEler, I can't seem to get anything to move either. LOL. Liza's been trying to teach me the ropes, but I seem to keep falling off the bridge. :dunno:

The avatar is a faerie, and my signature, Liza made for me. So thank ya Liza. Hopefully someday I can be as good and I can make my friends their own siggies. I already tried making one for Cheri and uhm, well...I failed miserably. LOL.
I made my signature. I did create a movie as avi/gif for avatar from my digital camera and vampy helped me to set it to reduce the size and quality. My avastar looks great as everyone said it too.

I got other signature.. I think Illustrator made it for me. It looks so cool.
Malfoyish said:
Don't feel bad, ChelEler, I can't seem to get anything to move either. LOL. Liza's been trying to teach me the ropes, but I seem to keep falling off the bridge. :dunno:

The avatar is a faerie, and my signature, Liza made for me. So thank ya Liza. Hopefully someday I can be as good and I can make my friends their own siggies. I already tried making one for Cheri and uhm, well...I failed miserably. LOL.

LOL you're welcome Malfychickie ;) You mean Cheri want the signature like the one I made for her? If so, you can "replace" the first 5 letters of your name - change to any font style and/or size she likes, and hide the rest of the layers where your other letters are. I don't know if you have the .PSD file, but I have it here.

Remma the layers option is your best friend and I do mean on teaching you successfully one of these days LOL Nahttt, you're one smart cookie anyway. :)
Hello!! i made animation signature and tags alot!! if you like to see my animation tags i will glad show ya smile ..
How do I make a avatar? I like the moving one esp like Cheri, and Fly Free...


I'm a complete rookie. :dunno:
Darlin Tweety; You did Real Good. I really like ur Signature! :thumb:

ChelEler,Miss-Delectable You could Learn or You could ask One of the Artist in here to help you what u need to know or Make One for you... There a few People here I have seen their Works Like VamPryoX , Deaf258 Have done my avatar and Signature in the past and Present They could make things Move too. :applause:

Malfy Sis LOL!! I am also on the same Boat Honey.. :giggle:
Levonian said:
I did my avatar myself. It’s a scan of my high school yearbook photo. :mrgreen:

:giggle: Good one Levonian!

Waterrat did my avatar, and Deaf258 did my signture, they both did an awesome job!....Thanks guys! *hugs*

Everyone's avatars and signtures looks nice!!! :cheers:
I created my own avatar and signatures. Some are hand-made by myself. Some are modified by images that I found elsewhere on the internet. Do any of you understand some significance behind my signature images? ;)
Most of you who have awesome avators and siggies. I do not have PSP8 and if i buy one then I may not know how to work either. I prefer to wait till I play with someone's psp8 first then i would buy my own.

I did my simple avator. Noting fancy. :lol:
I made my own avatar.. I used to have a sig pic but I no longer do. Waste of space and I'm too picky. I've done many avatars, fly free, tinystrawberry, megladon, etc.. I think theres some more but I cant think of any right now.