Who ate dog food as kids?

I don't know to describe the flavor... It was most likely not anything like you've ever eaten. When you chewed on it for a while and kept your mouth open, it had an airy aftertaste that was not that bad, as you could smell it, too. GrayEagle, can you describe the flavor on these things any better?

It's been 'way too many years under the bridge since that time. :lol: I just remember the biscuit was crunchy but bland tasting, just tasting "mealy" or like an unflavored cracker, no salt, no flavorings really. Just blah. I didn't do it for very long, as I was set straight pretty quick by my grandma. I just remember it as a brief investigative phase of my childhood. Plus I couldn't reach the box on the higher shelf after it was moved, and the dog was chubby and didn't need the extra goodies. :P
Sounds like dogs are getting a whole lot of excited over nothing. :lol:
Mine used to do anything for a Milk bone. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but that should be an exception when the have one dangling in front of them.
:lol: True! My dog loves her little snacks...sits attentively when she is to get one, etc. *She* thinks their totally yummy, anyway! Me? I'll take a chocolate bar, TYVM! :D
I'd be afraid of breaking my teeth on a dog biscuit!
Our fifth child used to sneak the dog's food. She says she still remembers it and that remembers that it tasted good. We fed the dog IAMS.
Our disabled child will take the dog's food if we leave it where she can get to it. We feed him in the Laundry room and block the door with the piano bench so he can get to it but she can't. But she watches us, and if somebody goes through the doorway and forgets to put the piano bench back, she goes and gets the dog's bowl and takes it to the table and eats it herself. It doesn't matter how much food she has, she wants his food.
Our fifth child used to sneak the dog's food. She says she still remembers it and that remembers that it tasted good. We fed the dog IAMS.
Our disabled child will take the dog's food if we leave it where she can get to it. We feed him in the Laundry room and block the door with the piano bench so he can get to it but she can't. But she watches us, and if somebody goes through the doorway and forgets to put the piano bench back, she goes and gets the dog's bowl and takes it to the table and eats it herself. It doesn't matter how much food she has, she wants his food.

Does she have Prader-Willi syndrome? We have a close family member that has it.
It's been 'way too many years under the bridge since that time. :lol: I just remember the biscuit was crunchy but bland tasting, just tasting "mealy" or like an unflavored cracker, no salt, no flavorings really. Just blah.

It sounds like they were greatly improved by the time I got to them in the late 60s.

Sadly yes haha when i was younger i asked my dad what it tasted like and he convinced me to try it X) it was quite discusting haha :P :lol:
It was looking like mini hot dog with biscuit wrap around in middle. I ate the biscuit part but not the mini hot dog part which i gave to the dog.... LOL it tasted like milk biscuit type.... :lol:
I never did you I know someone that did! We had a next door neighbor who was our dear friend and she was the Martha Stewart of our neighborhood! She did not like any canned in her refrigerator so she took all the food out of cans and put it in pretty bowls. Her son came home from school day one day and made himself a snack. Then he told his mother that he really like that meat spread that was in the refrigerator. His mother said "What meat spread?" He said "the stuff that was in the white bowl with the blue flowers" His mother said " that was the dog's food!" He ate the dog food on crackers! LOL!!
Yea I tasted it once. Im a curious girl. However my dear AA sponsor ate dog food many a night sneaking in the kitchen so hungry in the darkness. Her foster parents of 7 years controlled the children in severe ways. Locking up the food and threatening to kill them was just 2 ways......
My dog had these chocolate drop snacks I used to eat all the time as a kid. Not sure what they were really as chocolate is poisioious for dogs. My folks said I would dig up earthworms as and eat them, I don't remenber doing that... original gummy worms I guess
Only if I was a good boy, otherwise it was the cat food for me :(....Jk incase you couldn't tell!