This reminds me of something I've noticed. Generally speaking, white families pass down a cultural view of being confident in oneself, being sure that the world is more often than not willing to accommodate your desires, and just feeling sure about oneself. The general cultural belief that you can be successful and people think good of you unless otherwise proven.
In many families of color I noticed a reversed identity. A much more cynical view of the world, people are there to take advantage of you, to try to scam you. It might sound a bit exaggerated but I have come across these differences in mentality to various extremes.
In school the white students were almost always bragging about how they got A's and the black students were almost always bragging about how they failed this and were stupid in general and didn't care about school. These are all other examples of white privilege. Even just being raised in an environment that promotes self-confidence and a generally more positive view of the world gives one a privilege because people are more willing to take advantage of opportunities and to promote themselves in a positive light when they have a more positive world view.