Which would you rather have?.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
1) A high IQ.....

2) Common sense...

3) Street Smarts.....
where's option #4 for "None of above" ?
I considered an option for #4...but decided to stick with these 3.....
Many disfuntional folks have a high IQ.
Pardon this old woman's anectode.
There was a fellow in my college age who spoke multiple languages, read and wrote most languages, had an incredible IQ. The fellow could not tie his own shoes, cook or function in society. He lived with his mother until she passed. He was a dear fellow aside from his penchant for bottom pinching. He wrote lovely poetry. He was essentially homeless after and had a few legal issues due to the pinching.

Common sense is a bit of a misnomer (oxymoronic?) as it seems to be rather uncommon.

Street smarts? Those blessed with this can definately survive.

None of these seem to guarantee a full life. I think the key lies elsewhere. Ambition, confidence, a certain vague "drive"?

Me? Dunno. I seem to be devoid of these things. lol
Wirelessly posted

High IQ leads to being insane Common sense leads to being bored Street smarts leads to become a prisoner
When one thought to have good common sense, the other disagree with that. Like the time I wrote I don't understand why people would move to states that forbid their marriage, I would stay in the states that allow it because my marriage is more important than my job. A few told me that common sense and it is rare these days... and few other jump in and disagree with my "common sense" in my post. Their common sense says they should move and fight for their rights to remain married.
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Interesting question! I think I have all 1-3, but if I had to pick ONE .. hmm .. I'm undecided between #2 and #3. So I cannot pick ONE !! :)
I'm not particularly fond of this question. It's like asking what's your favorite color? Choose from the following:

A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Gray
I'd rather go with common sense and street smarts than high IQ.

I admit that I am little bit naive, but not that stupid.
Interesting question! I think I have all 1-3, but if I had to pick ONE .. hmm .. I'm undecided between #2 and #3. So I cannot pick ONE !! :)

How about this:

"It looks GREAT on the paper" ....."Wow, that didnt work..."

Sometimes common sense doesnt prevail.
I think common sense and street smart kinda go hand in hand?
The responses here are awesome! I have a little of all 3, but my choice would be # 3.