I have all Z's , Z340, Zojo, Z20 and Z4. I like Z20 and Z4 better than Zojo. Their service was great and I had no issue with Zproduct so far. My Z340 was funky so I got replacement Z340 and learning that they are discontinuing Z340. The reason is because of funky hardware issue and picky over router. I didnt have provlem but once I get FIOS, Z340 will have problem connecting cuz router and fios router would be fighting over DHCP server ( most wireless router I TRIED to bridge connection and it restricted or turns off wireless or other connection issue that was over my head unless someone suggest me how to get friggin' nitpick working). Because Z340 do not have UnUP in its firmware just like Z20 have. Z20 works great on my dlink dap1522 wireless bridge. I am able to move it around where I want it and less wire to hassle with.
I stopped Sorenson 4 years ago when I got Z340. Why, because I want wireless VP to get around the house. Now we have Mobile vp which allow us to use iPad, phone or laptop to call vp than get stuck in dark deary basement with VP200 chained to TV.