which is better?

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Wirelessly posted

AlleyCat said:
No one is pushing CIs for Frankie in this thread or in any of the others.

This, below, was not a push for a CI? What else was it? You MUST be kidding me. Wow, I'm sorry I didn't understand the humor or sarcasm behind either of your posts.

He would be missing out on the ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

the fact is, if you are a cochlear implant candidate, that means that you are missing out on the majority of spoken language through listening. That is what makes you a candidate, otherwise, you aren't a candidate.

that's just stating the truth. You just didn't like the way i said it.
Wirelessly posted

not at all. I said specifically that if spoken language is not going to be a goal NOT to implant.

there are tons of multiplihandicapped kids with CIs. I happen to follow two. CIs are not a cure but they can be of great benefit in many different circumstances.

Deafness is a handicap?
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
Wirelessly posted

not at all. I said specifically that if spoken language is not going to be a goal NOT to implant.

there are tons of multiplihandicapped kids with CIs. I happen to follow two. CIs are not a cure but they can be of great benefit in many different circumstances.

Deafness is a handicap?

where did i say that?
Wirelessly posted

not at all. I said specifically that if spoken language is not going to be a goal NOT to implant.

there are tons of multiplihandicapped kids with CIs.
I happen to follow two. CIs are not a cure but they can be of great benefit in many different circumstances.

Deafness is a handicap?

Wirelessly posted

where did i say that?

Glad to be of an assistance. Check out the bolded out statement up above in the first quote.
Wirelessly posted

the fact is, if you are a cochlear implant candidate, that means that you are missing out on the majority of spoken language through listening. That is what makes you a candidate, otherwise, you aren't a candidate.

that's just stating the truth. You just didn't like the way i said it.

I, among many others. You failed to factor in other health issues. Again, did you even read about the other health issues? You haven't even bothered to respond to that. I dare you to address that right now. Seriously. Please, please, please please, please, PLEASE do so.

We're not discussing whether someone is a candidate because of their hearing loss. We're discussing whether someone is a candidate at all, with all factors considered. We're talking about a child that is delayed, and at this point in time, all you are concerned about is the value of spoken language? No concern for other issues? No concern at all whatsoever?
i might actually come to value his lack of spoken language when he hits 13 or so, so there is an even added benefit!
I find it offensive to implant babies and subject them to a whole slew of risks and restrictions and high costs even when there are no long terms studies done on long term effects and risks on implantees. I'm not going to sugarcoat this. It's how I really feel. It's THEIR bodies therefore their right to decide.

You obvious have different opinions, fine. But I'll be damned if I sit here and be all nice and sweet and pretend I dont feel this way because you find opposing views to yours offensive. I find faire_jour offensive and I am not putting up with her manipulative arrogant bullshit. She's implying to frankiesmom she's a bad mother if she doesn't implant and I am thinking waaaaaait a minute, there are a LOT of cons to CIs and many parents would have very good reasons not to implant. No one has the right to guilt trip a parent into thinking otherwise. That's wrong. And now you're making it all about you. It's not. It's about faire_jour and her attitude.

:cheers: on that statement.
Wow, I read through this thread. I feel I dont need to add anything...just see where I clicked on "like" because you basically said what I was thinking.

No, I dont want this thread locked. Sometimes it is good to get everything out.

FJ, you have demonstrated that you value the hearing perspective over the Deaf perspective Yes, you use ASL but in the last year or so, most of your posts has been mostly about CIs and spoken language so of course, it sends that message to us.
If I'm not mistaken, your deafness is a conductive one anyway? CIs wouldn't have been useful anyway.

A ci no but Baha maybe so yes the question implanting 5 year olds(skull thickness issues b4 then) and over is a very REAL issue for bchl kids
Hahaha! Oh god, I have two teenaged sons so this is actually pretty funny.

i have 4 :iough: :rifle:
pity me.
plus 3 others who..well, they just sit and argue with each other and pick fights. except the baby of course. come on 1st day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine are 16 & 17 and sometimes, I am thankful that I have no hearing at all. :giggle:
Frankiesmom, kudos to you!! You made an informed decision not to put CI on your son. You are willing to learn ASL and other communication mode. Thank you, thank you!!

Faire Jour, STFU!! Seriously. :madfawk:
Wirelessly posted

yes, my husband and myself can sign. None else in the family knows more than a handful, in spite of deaf mentors, asl classes and being constantly forced to attend deaf events.

my statement was simply a fact. I know plenty of people who place no value on spoken language, and that is absolutely wonderful. If you choose not to implant as a child, you are choosing to make the outcome completely different than it would have been with the CI. Different, not worse.

Nothing factual in your statement. As usual.
Wirelessly posted

i made a simple statement. I stand behind it 100%. If you don't value spoken language, don't implant. That IS a decision.

What about those that value spoken language and stll don't implant? You are leaving those out and there are more of them than there are implantees all combined! You seem to think that giving value to spoken language skills and CI go hand in hand, and as usual, you are dead wrong.
What about those that value spoken language and stll don't implant? You are leaving those out and there are more of them than there are implantees all combined! You seem to think that giving value to spoken language skills and CI go hand in hand, and as usual, you are dead wrong.

I guess nowadays, the belief that without a CI deaf children cant learn to develop speech skills. Ignorant society, as usual.
Wow, I read through this thread. I feel I dont need to add anything...just see where I clicked on "like" because you basically said what I was thinking.

No, I dont want this thread locked. Sometimes it is good to get everything out.

FJ, you have demonstrated that you value the hearing perspective over the Deaf perspective Yes, you use ASL but in the last year or so, most of your posts has been mostly about CIs and spoken language so of course, it sends that message to us.

please stop spam-liking my posts :ty:
please stop spam-liking my posts :ty:

In the good ol' days, there was no like bandwagon.
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