Which do you use Kitchen scale or cup measure?

I use measuring cup here. I guess Germany use different measuring system with food.
I use measuring cup here. I guess Germany use different measuring system with food.

I think, you didn't read all on our thread?!? anyway, Did you know, that measure (gramm, kilogramm, zentimeter, milimeter, meter etc) are on the world, and ONLY in america are different math (cup, miles, inch, feet etc)????
I think, you didn't read all on our thread?!? anyway, Did you know, that measure (gramm, kilogramm, zentimeter, milimeter, meter etc) are on the world, and ONLY in america are different math (cup, miles, inch, feet etc)????

I am aware of that, girl.
thank you for LINK. i already explained, what i did figure out with calculator CUP = gramm. WASTE TIME!!! no thanks!!!! ;)

Ja ja ja, I love Angel food roll. the same do have one receipt from germany

i ate one muffin with food coloring. it taste good, but too sweet. I think, it could dangerous "food coloring" to habit eat more eat more eat more, non stop!
see on pic


I baked US muffin without "food coloring" because we don't have "food coloring" here in Germany because "food coloring" banned here in Germany because of unhealth and toxic (Giftig).

Yes, Americans use food coloring in mixture like marble cake, to mix icing sugar (puderzucker) to spread top of cake... tooooo sweetttt.... :cold: I don't like... and too much sugar... If I want to color the cake then use cocca powder or pure dark juice into mixture..., not food coloring...
I think, you didn't read all on our thread?!? anyway, Did you know, that measure (gramm, kilogramm, zentimeter, milimeter, meter etc) are on the world, and ONLY in america are different math (cup, miles, inch, feet etc)????

Nice necropost to revive almost 9 year old thread...
Lol. I was wondering too why I hadn't seen this thread before.
Anyways, I use measuring cups or nothing at all. I like to go with my gut instinct.
The last post before it was revived this morning (May 4, 2017) was from before I joined!

Anyway I feel that I will get the same results each time I make the same thing if I use measuring utensils be it cups or smaller — which I do.
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