Which deaf school that has worst education and dumb policies?


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Well first of all, i voted other cuz i am from Ontario, Canada, so I have never experienced any of those schools. but i thought i would comment on the school in ontario.

There are 4 deaf schools in Ontario, and one deaf-blind school. Typicially I havent know what the deaf blind school is like so i wont comment on that one. But the other 4 schools, One in London, one in Milton, one in Toronto, and one in Belleville.

I went to London and Milton, so again i will only comment on those two schools.

Now I went to London School since i was 12 yrs old til 17. Well hmm, dun get me wrong, its a great school, but there are some annoying rules in that school.
For example, Must be back in dorms by 9, even when i am 17 yrs old. Visitors have to leave by the time the younger ones have pjs on. IF miss too many school days they will kick u out. Which makes sense cuz of the hours missed for a course. If skipped one class, you get suspended. Pretty lame, not like other hearing school who gets detention or just fail the course at the end, the teacher dun care. but the deaf school teachers do. London school is not bad, no realllly lame rules or nething, actually i dun think there was a whole lot of rules to go with, since there was like less than 15 kids in high school when i went there.

Now, I am in milton, well sorta, I moved cuz of the small number in london school, (its down to 5 now) and I was not getting the education i need for myself, and typically getting bored cuz I am pretty smart (not to brag or anything) and the school was not giving me enuf challenge or courses for my needs. So I moved to Milton (they said that milton have more courses and stuff for my needs, kinda of BS) neway.

The rules and stuff at milton is really lame. I mean lemme tell ya..

1. People who have mental health issues and are sucidial are often kicked out of the school cuz they think that they are not safe at school (hello, what makes they think that they are safer at home??)

2. Cafereria at school, ok at lunch time, kids who live in the dorms get a free hot lunch, but only one serving, if they want more they gotta pay. Day students have to pay no matter what. For supper the same, cna you imagine, kids who are starving cuz they had a long day and didnt havetime to eat or whatever bs, cannot not get second servings from the server.

3. ALL kids and i mean ALLLLL kids must be in dorm by 10pm, even the 20 years old students.

4. Every night, ALL kids must stay in dorm from 5:30-7:30pm to do homeworks, it is enforced that they do it, if they dun have any homeworks, they must do something educational, and must stay in the dorm. Now for that I dun mind cuz as for me, I have NO HABIT of doing homeworks (like i said i was bored and not challenged enuf to even bother) so it helps me do my homework cuz i have nothing else better to do, but that is a bit too much, 2 hours homework when most kids dun need that much to complete them cuz the teachers at school dun give that much homework cuz they think we are dumb.

5. Everyday, after 4 periods of school time is done, all kids must go to Remedial Time for 40 mins (supposely to help teachers complete up their works for the day and the kids to get help if nessicary, but nobody does nething in that class, they just sit there and chat til the final bell goes off to go home.) what do you think they do for homework time???

6. For residential students, they have almost no way to contact with their parents or people out of the school, for one, they have tty, but not all deaf kids ahve tty at home to talk with their parents. So what else is there, computers a great new technologly that was created about 15 yrs ago (correct me if i am wrong i have no idea when it was invented) yet, kids still cannot contact parents, cuz everything is blocked off, like any email service, any chat programs, and that stuff. How the hell are the kids going to talk to their parents?? No tty, no computer access, what else??

7. All kids, and i mean ALL kids, must be under the eyes of someone, nobody can get some privaty except to go to the bathroom, and sleep. Other than that, while u are on the property, you are being watched!!!

8. I have this friend who is going thru a whole lot of hard time with her counsellors, dun get me wrong, i think her counsellors are cool, but then i have never had them as my counsellors myself. She keeps telling me that she has no privaty, no rights, and no freedoms. One day she went back to the dorm cuz she was not feeling well, and her counsellor said it was fine. So she slept in the afternoon for a few hours then went back to school. After school, the counsellor told her that she cant go out of the dorm to socialize cuz they said she is not feeling well, but she was fine, she just had a headache and went ot lie down, so she felt better, but she was not allowed to do nething, and was forced to go to the cafereria to avoid her from socializing in the residence, pretty lame eh!

9. As for me, I know this is a bit private, but I wont go into details. Now in Fall of 2004 i was in school. I overdosed on pills, and was sent to the hospital, but after that i went back, but was forced to sign a contract. Which said... I cannot talk to anybody in the school about my feelings, my thoughts, and that stuff, only can talk to the staffs and guidance counsellor and psychologist. Now as for me, I have a huge difficulty with trust, it took me 4 years to trust a guidance counsellor from the other school, how the hell am i suppose to communicate with those people??. Another thing was that I was to be in dorm by 10, and cannot go out for a smoke after 11:30pm at all. I cant sleep very well at nites, so often i am up til 1 or 2am, and i cannot smoke?? geeze!! I often get in trouble for that particuliar part as i sneak out alot. ANother thing, I must take my meds at the nurse's office, usually i get it from the counsellor, but from that then i must get it from the nurse, and that was like another building, so at 9pm everynite i must go to the nurses office to get my damn pills. if i refuse to take those pills i am GONE!!.. There was other rules i had to follow on my contract, but cant remember them as they were stupid.
Now, i got that contact in Oct 2004, about the middle of the month, and i got suspended every week since that stupid contract was signed and then they finally got me on another contract for the school. I haveto show up in school by the first bell, cant be late, and other stupid rules, so basically they are saying "YOU MUST BE HAPPY!!" so typically i got kicked out by the end of November, cuz i mention hurting myself to a friend that was it.

In Feb, I got second chance, to go back to school, but under certain rules, for example, I must take at least 2 courses mainstreamed at the hearing school beside it, I cannot be residential student, and must go home everyday, I must show up everyday and that bullshits. Eventually i got more and more unhappy and threaten sucide, so they sent me to the hospital again. and after that day i never went back, but am doing correponding course.

I mean I dun mean that i think that the last paragraph or two are dumb or anything, but if you think about it, if a mental health student goes to school, then get kicked out cuz they are sucidual and hurts herself alot, what makes them think that that student will be better at home? and at home there is alot more easier ways to kill themselves than at school.

Well i am done raving and ranting here, I hope your eyes get sore after reading this loooonnnng posting. heh..