Well said. Evil from whose perspective?
Is it a coincidence that evil backwards is LIVE? No simple answers here..

Well said. Evil from whose perspective?
Yeah You have seen many evil systems, political corruptions, and even lawless among the nation of North America. So, Isn't USA the wicked land and city of Nimrod which kingdom of babel since the world began? You correct me if I am wrong!?
If America is so evil then I am evil.
1) Sure, There are a lot of corruptions in every political system. America is not the only country that has corruptible political aspect. Every other countries has their own corruptible political system.
2) What does Nimrod and Babel have to do with this? If I may point this out - America was discovered in 1492 (perhaps before that as well) and what you're saying is, Babel existed WAY WAY before that. Babel is not even in America.
By the way, Let's not turn this into a religion discussion.![]()
world is evil period
world is evil period
When we have good. Evil follows. All Nations have their good and evil.
When we have good. Evil follows. All Nations have their good and evil.
There's no good either.
They're all illusions.
We create the reality that we see everyday. Life is a series of moments.
]There really isn't any evil in the world. There are just people with misguided thoughts and actions
What?? Unfortunately, thats your million's million problems..I don't understand what you just typed.
AHEM* Yeah " USA's money says you're not going anywhere "
A) That is automatically entitled your opinion and linear perspective.![]()
B) Whoa, OH MY! You try finger point at me more specify instead of others who bring up some quotes from bible? I just say as conceptional explain of quote. How about posters who bring up quotes about rome's empire came from bible? mmm. I know this is very harsh but the truth History/ record show me that Children of the Wicked Man who stolen the slaves from Africa and even stolen land from natives in North America tell the world that country is very wealthy and peace unlike another nations. She send her the troops to middle east about kill all children, mothers, even innocents, and steal the oil from their land since 1993 to now. In America actually neglect her children are active as prostitute, gays, child molesters, racist issues, corrupt systems etc on and on without stop... thats why I strongly believe this country is WORSE WICKEDNESS and LAWLESS in the world ever this witness who ve seen. this country won't hide their wickness from the world's eyes obviously seeing. I am not here to hijack thread into religion discussion. If somebody wanted to turn me into their religion discussion. I would tell them my saying overturn their religion discuss and stay this topic. Thats what is me. Mmm I don't know where you get inform.![]()
What?? Unfortunately, thats your million's million problems..![]()
You don't understand the universal logic-mathematics nor biochemical, you do?
AHEM* Yeah " USA's money says you're not going anywhere "