Where's the Love???

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I'm sorry that you're having doubts on Obama's ability to fill in these positions, I believe he is capable to do his best for this country. You can't blame any current financial problems this country on Obama. You should be upset at Bush for leaving a mess behind and having to have Obama clean it up for him. I'm glad Obama had asked for help from the Clinton administration it beats asking for help from the Bush administration. :lol:

Will wait and see, IF he can pass 6 months with success. I remember I read somewhere about people are wonderin' how did things happen when it hits them hard to realize that it is deception. I mean with everything that looks soo good and promisin' but, really it is not so. It will betray people at the end.

Cheri, I will just wait and see. Ok ? :)

what deception? if people didn't believe that obama would fulfill his promises, he wouldn't have been elected. simple as that.
No, you do not read it carefully. Let me paste a link of my previous post # 129.

I amNOT judgin' Hillary about her personal life - that is HER life, but how she handled things for this country -- THAT I can judge or opposed against. Do you understand ? I hope so.

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Read I said : " ....NOT judgin' Hillary about her personal life - that is HER life...." ( That's number 1 )

Now, number 2 : ..." how she handled things for this country -- THAT I can judge or opposed against. "

These are 2 separate issue I talked about. You THINK I don't know the difference between the two. Really, it is really YOU that don't read the difference when I said 2 different things.

Lastly, since I already posted my previous post with Jiro and I've already agreed with him on this : " We will wait and see..... "

Now, let's move on! :)

how did hillary handle things for this country? what do you mean by that?
hillary didn't manipulate anyone. instead of stating your opinion, why not give us some examples to show how she did that?


please respond to my question above. thank you.
Will wait and see, IF he can pass 6 months with success. I remember I read somewhere about people are wonderin' how did things happen when it hits them hard to realize that it is deception. I mean with everything that looks soo good and promisin' but, really it is not so. It will betray people at the end.

Cheri, I will just wait and see. Ok ? :)

Fair enough. ;)
Well remember that there is one individual from the Bush administration that will be in the Obama's adminstration as well....
lol, Bush has done to made severely damage in 8 years. :lol:

He deserves a good kick in the ass, despite the bad actions he has done to the americans in the past eight years. Bush = EPIC FAIL.

sorry but Bush has the worst rating in the history. How do you explain that? that is the real example of epic fail. In fact - Bush made bunch of records that will be recorded into Guinness World Records

1. Worst Presidential rating in the history
2. Highest deficit in the history
3. Largest voters turnout in the history(it means they care and DESPISED Bush & Republican)
4. has many of his friends/associates were found guilty of -----
5. many more....

8 years is totally hell. I cant believe my own 2 eyes what we as Americans are going through with 2 wars (one very dumb), a recession that's gonna make the Great Depression look so good, corrupt bastards, you name it, Bush is like reverse King Midas anything he touches becomes shit instead of gold.

i never said any president was perfect. what i *did* say was that i had confidence in obama. besides, *anything* is better than the administration we've had for the past 8 years.

I am in no way supporting Bush in my response here. However, to offer a different perspective, we Americans voted Bush to a second term. It didn't have to be 8 years of "hell" as many of you put it. It could have been just 4 years ... So we, as Americans, have to take some responsibility for having a president for 8 years that many of us have been disgusted with. (I am not singling out the people in the quotes above, only the "8 years" part.)
I am in no way supporting Bush in my response here. However, to offer a different perspective, we Americans voted Bush to a second term. It didn't have to be 8 years of "hell" as many of you put it. It could have been just 4 years ... So we, as Americans, have to take some responsibility for having a president for 8 years that many of us have been disgusted with. (I am not singling out the people in the quotes above, only the "8 years" part.)

Couldn't agree with you more on that one, AlleyCat. People should have considered their vote before electing him to a second term. Unfortunately, I think many Americans were so focused on the terrorism issue (which BTW is exactly what the campaign wanted) that they failed to look at the other issues.
I am in no way supporting Bush in my response here. However, to offer a different perspective, we Americans voted Bush to a second term. It didn't have to be 8 years of "hell" as many of you put it. It could have been just 4 years ... So we, as Americans, have to take some responsibility for having a president for 8 years that many of us have been disgusted with. (I am not singling out the people in the quotes above, only the "8 years" part.)

i agree with you, alleycat. thank goodness i wasn't one of those who voted for bush in 2000 and 2004.
I am in no way supporting Bush in my response here. However, to offer a different perspective, we Americans voted Bush to a second term. It didn't have to be 8 years of "hell" as many of you put it. It could have been just 4 years ... So we, as Americans, have to take some responsibility for having a president for 8 years that many of us have been disgusted with. (I am not singling out the people in the quotes above, only the "8 years" part.)

You're absolutely correct, But, I'm one of the American citizen who did not voted for Bush either before the first term or during the second term of his Presidency. I remembered when he won the second term, I said " damn you, Americans!!" :lol: It's the truth. ;)
You're absolutely correct, But, I'm one of the American citizen who did not voted for Bush either before the first term or during the second term of his Presidency. I remembered when he won the second term, I said " damn you, Americans!!" :lol: It's the truth. ;)

when bush won the election in 2004, i said "may god help our country."
I didn't vote for him either. I was shocked that he won again, actually.
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