Where were you on 9/11

oh yeah and she HAD TVs!
i was watching pulp fiction for the 15 th time
(5 times in last 2 weeks)
yup. I wasn't very much a TV or internet gal back then -- totally an adventure girl! you always can find me in tents or mountains. :D well.. I think that's much less worse than is girl I talked with 6 months after it happened. she asked me why had I strapped an american flag on my car hood, I replied "hmm, 9/11?" she went, HUH? what's that, 9/11? .. "umm, those two planes that crashed into WTC...no?"

no,...no idea what you're talking about.

My sister called from Michigan around 6 am (there is a 3-hour time difference). I was 6 months pregnant at the time and was having trouble sleeping, so the night before I'd been up late reading the first Harry Potter book and didn't want to get up to answer the phone. But whenever anybody calls that early in the morning, it can't be good news, so I figured I better get up. My sister was hysterical, and all I could get out of her was "World Trade Centre - turn on the TV." I went into the living room and turned on the TV and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I woke up my husband (now my ex) and we both sat there on the bed watching and crying. At one point I remember thinking, "This is the end," and being so heavily pregnant, I wondered what kind of world I was bringing my baby into.

Almost 10 years later, and I've still never been able to finish Harry Potter. I can't even pick the book up. Isn't that weird?
this question again? I've answered this 9x already so I think I'm not gonna bother answering this question. I'm more interested in where ya'all were on 9/11/10 and what did you do.

I was at far West NJ to escort my friend to motorcycle dealership and back. a very long ride but pleasant. Earlier that day - I checked around to see if there's any rally ride. I didn't find any but there's one this weekend so I might participate in that.
:wave: Jiro,

I was at a all-day rally/gathering with my mom and one of the speakers did have short 9/11 memorial portion as part of his overall presentation.
have a nice rally ride when you find one, Jiro..
Well Jiro-

I was doing my normal weekly routine of menu planning and taking MIL to the hairdresser. Didn't do much for the day out of the ordinary.
this question again? I've answered this 9x already so I think I'm not gonna bother answering this question. I'm more interested in where ya'all were on 9/11/10 and what did you do.

I was at far West NJ to escort my friend to motorcycle dealership and back. a very long ride but pleasant. Earlier that day - I checked around to see if there's any rally ride. I didn't find any but there's one this weekend so I might participate in that.
oh sorry....don't think have ever seen your 9 answers before (and searching on pager is pain in the butt). ;)

uhh what did I do.. last saturday.. hmmmm, oh yeah, worked on my entries and mailed them out. :D I'm so excited but shouldn't really get my hope up. oh yeah and looked around the san bruno explosion...sad. heard about it?
this question again? I've answered this 9x already so I think I'm not gonna bother answering this question. I'm more interested in where ya'all were on 9/11/10 and what did you do.

I was at far West NJ to escort my friend to motorcycle dealership and back. a very long ride but pleasant. Earlier that day - I checked around to see if there's any rally ride. I didn't find any but there's one this weekend so I might participate in that.
Went for walks around Tuross Heads ona beautiful warm spring day. This photo was taken at One tree point, I lol'ed. This has been taken by my iPhone 4 camera.

I was interpreting in a public school and had to go to several classes to beg someone to allow for captioning so the Deaf student could have access.
I was actually only a fifth grader at that time. I just went to school as usual, and didn't hear about anything, until the announcement about it in my music class at about noon ish. We were like "what?"

Then I went home and saw everything what happened on TV. I didn't feel much or understand at that time, but I think I quite understood that something terrible had happened.
HI there,

Yep, I woke up and getting a mails in the lobby, I gets on my wheelchair and roll down to the lobby. My landlord informed me "Breaking News on tv about Terrorist Attacks WTC towers", I says what?!?!? and I checked on the community room tv, whoa! damn that's my buddy live in NYC. I was really MAD at the terrorist.. I got back home to watch the captioned news, oh boy all day and night on the TV networks and including cable broadcast stations. So I saw the plane hits the penagton bldg. I guess all shopping centers are closed and transportation not going to shopping mall, that will end termination line just 3 blocks from the malls. Yea, I remember ride on the buses that goes to mall, but the bus had been detoured to the temporary bus station with rented tents to protect the rains and heatwaves that all ppls have walk to the mall 1 or 2 blocks for transportation safety reason.
I was 6 days short of turning 11 at the school library during snack time when the librarian turned on the tv and everyone watched the news. I was young so the sense of doom quickly passed for me.
Was sick that morning. Stayed home all day.

Believe it or not, its up to you.

Mind you, that plane that collided into TWC was supposed to go to Los Angeles. I came back to New York from Los Angeles and that plane touch down exact 48 hours before that plane got into WTC.

Spooky, eh?
first heard about it in school. I was in high school, 11 years old and in Year Seven, I think one of the teachers put it on tv. Then when i returned home, my parents were watching it.
I think I was at work. With 2 jobs, there's a really good chance I was at work, LOL.
I was at school at the day, and i was an 2nd grader at the time. My teachers were out in the hall talking to another teacher and then all of a sudden they come rushing into the classroom, turned the television on and we all saw the towers being hit by airplanes. We did not know what had just happened. They let us go early that day. I was really sad because i was worried about the people who were stuck in the world trade center.