You said your birthday is 6 / 13 / 1970
which means you are 33 years old and about:
53 years 7 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 87
50 years 1 month younger than Pope John Paul II, age 83
46 years 0 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 79
38 years 9 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 72
36 years 7 months younger than Larry King, age 70
30 years 4 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 64
26 years 11 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 60
23 years 11 months younger than George W. Bush, age 57
18 years 11 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 52
14 years 8 months younger than Bill Gates, age 48
9 years 10 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 43
3 years 11 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 37
0 years 1 month older than Jennifer Lopez, age 33
5 years 7 months older than Tiger Woods, age 28
12 years 0 months older than Prince William, age 21
and that you were:
31 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America
29 years old on the first day of Y2K
27 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash
24 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
24 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
22 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center
20 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
19 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
15 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
13 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
13 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space
10 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.
9 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began
6 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July
4 years old when President Nixon left office
a 1 year old when Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot
which means you are 33 years old and about:
53 years 7 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 87
50 years 1 month younger than Pope John Paul II, age 83
46 years 0 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 79
38 years 9 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 72
36 years 7 months younger than Larry King, age 70
30 years 4 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 64
26 years 11 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 60
23 years 11 months younger than George W. Bush, age 57
18 years 11 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 52
14 years 8 months younger than Bill Gates, age 48
9 years 10 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 43
3 years 11 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 37
0 years 1 month older than Jennifer Lopez, age 33
5 years 7 months older than Tiger Woods, age 28
12 years 0 months older than Prince William, age 21
and that you were:
31 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America
29 years old on the first day of Y2K
27 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash
24 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
24 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
22 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center
20 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
19 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
15 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
13 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
13 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space
10 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.
9 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began
6 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July
4 years old when President Nixon left office
a 1 year old when Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot