I am a Hard of Hearing person with Moderate-Severe Hearing Loss. I am Majoring in Psychology with a minor in ASL/Deaf Culture. For the most part in being in ASL minor I've learned a lot about myself as a Hard of Hearing person in relation to Deaf Culture. For example, I just stopped calling myself Hearing Impaired, I understood that because so many Hard of Hearing people associate themselves with the Hearing World and Hearing people give us that label, its just what we went with. Another interesting aspect, you have your two polar opposites Hearing people and Deaf people and the Hard of Hearing are in the gray area between the two. The hearing world views hard of hearing people as though they can hear enough that with speech therapy and and a hearing aid all will be well, and they wont need to "bother" with ASL. And you have some members of the Deaf World who view HOH people as people more closely related to Hearing Culture. It depends on the level of hearing loss. Others think that HoH people can benefit from using ASL too. HoH people don't catch everything even with Hearing Aids, we don't follow everything, but why do we have to be in this invisible grey area, HoH share similiar experiences with Deaf people and we don't fit in neatly with Hearing World. My question is this why not make it just as important for HoH people to learn/know sign language so they don't have to miss-out either. They can have the best of being in both worlds using speech if preferred and ASL? Instead of being seen by Deaf world as "Your not Deaf enough" and being seen by Hearing world as "Oh we can make you hear enough" and force you to fit in....