Have you ever thought of attending Deaf School or dhh regional program? Seriously, you'd be fluent in NO TIME AT ALL, and the experiance is just....priceless. You could contact your state's Deaf School to find out about their or regional dhh programs. You could also opt for MSSD, which is the "fedral" high school in DC. Model Secondary School for the Deaf
Unless you're in a state with a sizable dhh school, I think a good place for you would be a regional dhh program.
Seriously, the experiance of deaf school/regional program rocks....I mean you have people who went to Clarke in the 30's and 40's still being involved in their alumni assoctions and going to Homecoming. Whereas high school reunions are so ugh.....Can you imagine attending a reunion for your elementary school? Nope. But elementary school dhh programs do that ALL the time.