Where did you had Your Baby?

I had 2 sons in same hospitail.

My 1st son was delivered by C-Section after 36 hours labor pain. They must do to save my or my baby’s risk life.
My 2nd son was delivered by natural birth after 5 ½ hours labor pain.

I had been through the difference between C-Section & natural birth. I would say that natural birth is more good advantage than C-Section.
who is this ??



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before I gave a birth to a baby, I imagined the worst.. long pregnancy, labor pains, long labor pushing.... but it never happen to me. I was lucky!

I gave birth to baby girl, in 2 hrs. at the hospital. it s nice cuz these people bring drinks, and foods.. give me clean clothes and blanket.. wow !! I felt like a queen there!
I was married and on BC pills, daily. One month, my period was light. The next month, it was late. I went to the doctor and he gave me a pregnancy test (this was the olden days when you had to go to the doctor for the test and wait a couple days for results). Results: negative. Doctor tested again a few days later. Positive.

Never any morning sickness. I was almost three months pregnant before the doctor confirmed it!

My daughter was born a week early. My water broke, I went to the hospital, was prepped, then the contractions started. Labor was about 2 and 1/2 hours. She popped out, weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
my son was born in hositptal through 17 hour labor... eh.

i was born in hostiptal 50 miles from home eek.. poor mommy had to drive a long way to cottonwood, AZ

17 hours!!! arrghh i can't believe how i was so BITCH while of the labor but im so happy our son is heathly! but almost 4 week earlier!!! Also strange that same day i went to doctor for the checkup and i had my son on my arms in next day..
I had my son via c-section after 11 hours of induced labor. He was in the breech position and the fetal monitor was dropping, and I was in too much pain to endure it so I asked for an epidural... but since I was 1 1/2 cm dilated they did an ultrasound to see if the baby's ok...

Stupid doctor didn't know the baby was breech. RME
First son, Austin~ was due on May 15, but had c-section on May 11th due to his size, he was 8lb 12oz 20 1/2 in. long and his shoulders was big.. would be tough for me cuz of my pelvis size.
2nd son, Kieran~ Due Feb 11, but had c-section as well for the same reason as I did with Austin on Feb 6, he was 9lb 5oz 21 1/2 in. long :p

Now, with this third on way, I'm due on Oct 2nd, but might have c-section again since I had it twice. :D Unknown of the gender, baby's legs was crossed in ultrasound, gee! :D
Ummm I am Confused now are u both the Parent of Sean? DeafSCUBA98 and CoolieFroggie?
Teekie said:
First son, Austin~ was due on May 15, but had c-section on May 11th due to his size, he was 8lb 12oz 20 1/2 in. long and his shoulders was big.. would be tough for me cuz of my pelvis size.
2nd son, Kieran~ Due Feb 11, but had c-section as well for the same reason as I did with Austin on Feb 6, he was 9lb 5oz 21 1/2 in. long :p

Now, with this third on way, I'm due on Oct 2nd, but might have c-section again since I had it twice. :D Unknown of the gender, baby's legs was crossed in ultrasound, gee! :D
Third son, Sean Richard born via c-section in the hospital, due Oct 2, born Sept 23rd. :D
CoolieFroggie said:
17 hours!!! arrghh i can't believe how i was so BITCH while of the labor but im so happy our son is heathly! but almost 4 week earlier!!! Also strange that same day i went to doctor for the checkup and i had my son on my arms in next day..

Wait a min... U guys made the child together? And that is the child that u have less visitations rights am I correct? and that the child you have supervior visits am I correct?I remember the thread you mention about ur son but I had no idea u talking about that son. Boy I never knew you both had a child together. I must be so blind. :(
Cheri said:
Wait a min... U guys made the child together? And that is the child that u have less visitations rights am I correct? and that the child you have supervior visits am I correct?I remember the thread you mention about ur son but I had no idea u talking about that son. Boy I never knew you both had a child together. I must be so blind. :(
umm yeah that's was us...
I had my daughter delivered vaginally after 11 hours of induced labor.
:tears: I'm sorry about the loss of your sperm, dear pimpdaddyposse. I'm sure your sperm is with god now...
I delivered my first two babies at Private Hospital, and thought my family was completed until I got unexpectant baby but I wasn't covered with private health insurance so I delivered my last baby (I hope so) at Public Hospital

All 3 were induced, all from 5 hours to 9 hours labour between them.
My daughters was born in the same hospital, Northampton, uk,
I had my daughter JADE delivered vaginally after 13 half hrs of labour and was born by forceps , weights 7 lb and 10 oz
then my second daughter CHELSEA was born by an elective c-section cos she was in a breach postion, weights 7 lb and 10half oz
I had my son 14 hours, head for natural delivery, but was stop in the middle of delivery,, and had to wheeled to surgery room for emergency c-section to get him out alive. He was all screaming and yelling at 7lb 8oz and 22 inches long.
Cheri said:
Where did you have your Baby? In Hospital , In Car, At Home, At Work or Other and How Long were u in Labor For?

I had both of my Daughters at a University Hospital nearby me. With my oldest, I was a week and 6 days overdue and had to be Induced, meaning I had to receive IV meds called Pitocin to help my body go in labor. I think I was in "active" labor for about 12 hrs before I had my baby at excatly 2 wks overdue. With my youngest, I went into labor on my own when I was 8 days overdue, and was in labor for probably close to 10 hrs, then she was born when I was 9 days overdue.