When Was Last Time You Get High

been clean for YEARS now around 11 years with a 1 time temporary relapse Jan 2001 and didnt like the feeling so *back on the wagon* i went and been on the wagon since then -- ALMOST relapsed tho in the later part of 2001 but with the massive support of friends i hung tight onto the wagon and rode out all the fuck up's in life and now its a smoother ride :D
Last two years in 2001 i think last time with Irish devil dog and JavaPride then stopped till i tempt smoked again last year of happy new year 2003 and stopped so far now ..
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I don't waste my money on junk. Tried it a few times for free, but I don't think it is worth wasting money.
last time i got high when i was at kelly's 21 b-day party... that was good.. 2 hits done high/stone.. i barely try walk and stand still but couldnt... it was fun... :cool:
Thanksgiving of 1999, and I don't think I'll ever do it again. I went to my friend's family's house for dinner and they're all from Greece, so they made all of this crazy Greek food for dinner and it made me sick. I kept thinking I would throw up. So my friend tells me to smoke a bowl because that's what they do for cancer patients that are going through Chemo-therapy and feel sick alot. So I smoked a bowl with him and 20 minutes later I threw up. Ever since, the smell of pot reminds me of being sick, so I avoid it.
Originally posted by hacker
:shock: cells brain..

Actually, you're right, its cell's brain. The more you toke, the more hole you get. I got SCAN X-Ray every once a year due to my severe headaches and migraine. My brain contains a hole that better than a baseball.
:laugh2: you make me laugh so hard. Marijuana doesn't cause your brain cells to die. If it did, your brain cells would regenerate anyways.
Last time I used was last friday April 25, 2003.
I've never gotten high. That's why I quit, nothing for me to get from smoking up.
Last february.. I toked weed at the party in my friend's house two hours away from my SF dorm.

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