When Should I ..........

sbeards19 said:
We have been talking like 2-3 weeks Iwould say and he is sweet and I have done background check on him and made sure name and address andn umber match up. He doesnt tell me what to do or anything like that. He understands and all that. He respects me and my choices I think and if he was lying or i felt like he was untrustworthy I wouldnt meet him. I do love my parents and Im sure they love me but dont show it but it is hard to tell them about something like this. I mean, ill just tell them that I am going out with guy friend set me up with b/c they wont let me go out if i say i met him online.

2 to 3 weeks is not enough... but if you decided to meet him on monday, I suggest you should bring an friend with you, just incase.
I agree w/sg.. I suggest you better test on him before you meet in person so juz wait till take few month see how going then you can go head meet in person bec 2 to 3 week?? not enuff so BETTER WAITTT TILL YOU KNOW HIM full LONGEST MONTH before you meet in person that what i do bec i'm not kinda of rush having relationship so good luck in ur future
I agree with LovelyBlkGal.

sbeards19, I wish you good luck for what ever ya decided to do.
Actually, girl, you ARE responsible as an adult at 19 albeit there is a world waiting to be experienced beyond 19- that means owning your stuff and the consequences that come with making a decision. We wouldn't grow if we didn't do the things we wanted to do. :D Don't let others scare you off. But the point stays... be responsible.

If your parents are out of the question, tell a trusted friend all about this guy, info, and your meeting with all the necessary details. Maybe the friend will go with you, and wait from a distance.. play chaffeur or something. Do whatever necessary to keep yourself in a safe environment.

Just remember, your guy is in the same position.. bet his family and friend worried about him like this... I remember my ol' man telling me how his family worried that I'd be up to no good. :) We still have a good laugh over that.

Also, remember... condoms!!! :P Sorry, I'm so bad... but you still need that reminder kiddo :)
Liza said:
Actually, girl, you ARE responsible as an adult at 19 albeit there is a world waiting to be experienced beyond 19- that means owning your stuff and the consequences that come with making a decision. We wouldn't grow if we didn't do the things we wanted to do. :D Don't let others scare you off. But the point stays... be responsible.

If your parents are out of the question, tell a trusted friend all about this guy, info, and your meeting with all the necessary details. Maybe the friend will go with you, and wait from a distance.. play chaffeur or something. Do whatever necessary to keep yourself in a safe environment.

Just remember, your guy is in the same position.. bet his family and friend worried about him like this... I remember my ol' man telling me how his family worried that I'd be up to no good. :) We still have a good laugh over that.

Also, remember... condoms!!! :P Sorry, I'm so bad... but you still need that reminder kiddo :)
Well, actually I am not going to meet him to have sex I plan to not have sex until im married. I did tell afew ppl what we were doing and everything. And he hasnt said to anyone that he was going to meet me so he must not be worreid and he lives alone. hes 24, im 19. I know 3 weeks is fast to meet but I had met someone a week after talking and he wasnt bad. I did background check on him I matched up all his information so Hes who he says adn everyuthing. you know? I just feel chemistry with him when we talk like we have known each other forever
Hi,I read all msgs again. I wish you a good luck but in person is very different than online. It is pretty tricky. so pray that you get a good right person but warning... sometimes guys do good acting like a good attitude in first few months then suddenly changing so it was hard for me but if you are smarter like know lies truths and watch his eyes action behaviors expressions etc than me. You may know what to do just do it right with what you want to do. If you don't feel comfortable, what you will do need to be prepared for that... when you see him in person first time... in person is so different than online. Online is easy romantic reading words but no actions except sometimes webcam but not enough expressions behaviors to see about if he's truth person to you to trust. It is easy to just friends and take time step by step which it is christain guy. but if rushing, then it is nonchristian guy that I experienced the difference. so I am glad to have christian guy that I am waiting for in future that I do not know when he's ready to date. I am using my patience first time to break my rushing habits in past. Otherwise I do not know if he and I will date in future. So I am just waiting for God to answer me with a best guy. I dated so much from 12 years old to last Nov some year no boyfriend in between those ages. so I am just enjoying myself for a while but praying to get the right last one with step by step and not hurry up to mess and hurt myself again. so just watch what you are doing and take care of your life before him. smile. God bless you and take care of you smile. Have a good time on Monday.
I forgot to say two things... in person show more expressions and more real things to see as friends. Also I m not sure if I will date or not when he was not ready to date... he is still my friend. it is a good smooth process. Have fun Peace you and everyone!!!
If you're planning to go alone to meet him, be very careful. It would be better to let someone know where you are going and who you are meeting. Cuz meeting in person after chatting on line can be a heck of a gamble. There are all kind of people typing behind the keyboard and not knowing what kind of person he/she may be.
If that person is conning you to meet him in person and you happend to disappear, others will be worrying about you. If that person is what you hoped for, great and hope you can build on from that point.
Be careful. tho.
What Happened On First Meeting?

As I recalled, you said you guys were going to meet last week.

How did that go? :fingersx: Keep us posted :)

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