When is your child going back to school?

Oceanbreeze said:
I don't know how to quote Lucia's post before this one, so I hope this flows with what she said...

Reba and Lucia,

I think the reason school's start so early down here in the South (here we start school in mid Aug), is because, of hurricane season. Most people in other parts of the country have snow days. Well, we have "hurricane days". Starting school so early is probably in ancipation of having to potentially close school's for a storm.

Incidently, school's are typically used as hurricane shelters, so that's one reason. Down here, our school's are used as shelters for Cats 1 and 2 storms. For categories 3, 4 and 5, we're told to just get the heck out! There's a mandated Co. Shelter for us up in Miami, in the event of a strong hurricane.

That's probably TMI for the topic, but info can't hurt, right? :)

Yes exactly ! I remember now that is right and as for tacking on extra days It would depend on what is happening at that time during the emergency then after the hurricane or the snowstorm they just tack extra days sometimes the hurricane happened for 5 days then they tack on maybe 7 or 8 days to allow more room for the kids to finish their schoolwork and meet federal , state educational school guidelines or something like that.
JohnnyE said:
Yes exactly ! I remember now that is right and as for tacking on extra days It would depend on what is happening at that time during the emergency then after the hurricane or the snowstorm they just tack extra days sometimes the hurricane happened for 5 days then they tack on maybe 7 or 8 days to allow more room for the kids to finish their schoolwork and meet federal , state educational school guidelines or something like that.

That still doesn't answer the question why we start school so early. I thought I knew. Now, I'm not sure.
Oceanbreeze said:
That still doesn't answer the question why we start school so early. I thought I knew. Now, I'm not sure.
Here in Florida, they let school out early like in May and then start back in August.

I have a question for some of you...... When do your child/children's school close for the summer?
Oceanbreeze said:
That still doesn't answer the question why we start school so early. I thought I knew. Now, I'm not sure.

A good place to start would be talking to the principal and the school board and see what they have to say about making up for missed school days due to bad weather and also ask about how come that summer vacations are really very short and that it is hard to plan for a summer vacation because many people at your workplace request summer vacation time off from work to take their kids and the family on a summer vacation and it is really hard to plan ahead when the summer days are very short and school is already back in session.
ButterflyGirl said:
Here in Florida, they let school out early like in May and then start back in August.

I have a question for some of you...... When do your child/children's school close for the summer?

my daughter got out on may 25th (that was her last day) before summer started.

to those of you speaking of starting school in September. yes I remember back in my ole days, I always started after Labor Day.

I really think its because of the kids lack of learning and how they're being taught is what's causing them to start school really early. When the kids take the SAT (standard achievement test) the tests are based on their learning skills and see what grade level most are in and what they're really suppose to be.. if its too low.. then they end up going to summer schools however there's too many kids that need more learning so they decided to start the school year early. that really sucks!
wow, interesting thread here... Back to school first week or second week of August is too early.. :shock:

My both boys started their school holiday today (31st July) and will go back to school on 12th September 2006. My hubby & I will take 4 whole weeks leave from 14th August to spent our time with boys.
Reba said:
I don't know. How come Northern schools don't start early in anticipation of potential snow days?

If the schools here close for hurricanes or shelter use, they usually just tack on extra days at the end of the school year.

School in Northeast and Upper Midwest states, such as in Chicago and NYC are start in around September but school is still open during snow day because they have big snow shovel truck on road and kids are still go school too.
My baby brother and my other brother's finacee, and their friends start school on Sept 5th. They will be done on a week before they graduate on June 8, 2007. My class (2003) was first one that got out of school week early before graduation.

I remember when I was growing up, school would start after Labor Day, then somehow in my high school years, they started before Labor Day.

I am not sure about my nephews who lives in MN, but my other 4 nephews are homeschool kids in Michigan.
Liebling:-))) said:
wow, interesting thread here... Back to school first week or second week of August is too early.. :shock:

My both boys started their school holiday today (31st July) and will go back to school on 12th September 2006. My hubby & I will take 4 whole weeks leave from 14th August to spent our time with boys.
But see that here in USA we have longer summer holidays than they have in Europe. We have around two and a half summer holidays while yours have only a month and a half.
ButterflyGirl said:
But see that here in USA we have longer summer holidays than they have in Europe. We have around two and a half summer holidays while yours have only a month and a half.

wow, Do you mean that the children started their school vacation from June to August.. .Correct?

Your post sound interesting... I´m going to create a new thread to see when/which months a year our children start their school vacation from different countries in the world since we have members from Australia, America, Europe, Asia, Norway, Dutch,........
Not that reason too early long summer than other countries..

Don't forget that their different school's holidays and catholic schools aren't same... Remmy that

End of School June 3rd of week.
Back to School Sept 5th 2006

Seems not bad 2 months holiday.. Still good stands.. Why r u saying that too long summer than another countries? Likely Huh? Excuse me!
Last night, Hubby asked a school administrator the reason. This is what he found out:

All schools are required by law to have 180 school days for students. Each school district decides the beginning and ending dates, as long as the school year totals 180 days. (Don't include holidays or bad weather days in that number; the students must actually attend 180 days.)

Here's where the "extra" days add up:

Teachers want 10 days per school year for "professional development" and "preparation". Those 10 days are "sprinkled" throughtout the school year, so most parents don't notice, or bother to count them. Because of those 10 days, the beginning and ending dates of the school years are "stretched" out beyond the original 180 days.

So, the school year is now 180 student days, 10 teacher days, holidays, bad weather days, and weekends, from beginning to end dates. That shrinks the summer vacation by roughly 10 weekdays, plus the weekend in between. That makes almost a two-week difference.

Then, to make it worse, some school boards want to "fit" the Christmas vacation into the national scholastic testing cycle, so they adjust the school year beginning date to make testing happen prior to the break instead of after. Why? Because school officials are afraid that students will forget everything they learn during Christmas vacation, and get lower grades on the national tests. Those test grades are the basis for state rankings, and the results reflect of the states' politicians.

So, there you have it. It's politics.

Does that make sense? :dizzy:
I also think the USA wants to be like Japan but the Japanese overworks themselves which is not good for the kid's health. It may benefit the parents more than for the kids but it is really not fair to the kids to be overworked too much.
GalaxyAngel said:
Not that reason too early long summer than other countries..

Don't forget that their different school's holidays and catholic schools aren't same... Remmy that

End of School June 3rd of week.
Back to School Sept 5th 2006

Seems not bad 2 months holiday.. Still good stands.. Why r u saying that too long summer than another countries? Likely Huh? Excuse me!
Were you referring this to me?
I was just telling Liebling that we start school early in August because we close early in May. Liebling then understood the reason why the school opens this month. That was all I was saying.
Reba is correct on what she said so for ButterflyGirl....

My boys don't start school until August 22 nd :hyper:
My boys don't start until the end of Aug. but, they're not going to school until we move to another city. It's a long story I rather not to get into it. ;)
I'll throw in a spanner in the works... :whistle:

My kids are in year around school. The school year ends at the end of June and starts the second week in July. There are four tracks and every track goes nine weeks on and three weeks off. There are always three tracks in with one out.

That being said nobody gets a full summer's vacation. Being in NC, the schools have to have AC. My wife and I love year around schools as many other parents. You can be more flexible to schedule vacations around the year. The kids don't get too bored when off and they know one is coming after nine weeks of school. There is no sizable downtime so the kids don't have to remember where they let off before. All in all, I say it works pretty well.
sr171soars said:
I'll throw in a spanner in the works... :whistle:

My kids are in year around school. The school year ends at the end of June and starts the second week in July. There are four tracks and every track goes nine weeks on and three weeks off. There are always three tracks in with one out.

That being said nobody gets a full summer's vacation. Being in NC, the schools have to have AC. My wife and I love year around schools as many other parents. You can be more flexible to schedule vacations around the year. The kids don't get too bored when off and they know one is coming after nine weeks of school. There is no sizable downtime so the kids don't have to remember where they let off before. All in all, I say it works pretty well.
Are all the schools within the community on the same schedule? That is, if you have one child in elementary school, one in middle school, and one in high school, will they all be on the same vacation schedule?

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