after reading your thread several times ( got distracted home of 3 dogs so make sense) i come to one conculsion,
you have every right to vent out your feelings.
I am appalled by some behaviors that have happened here, and not only that... you are human yes! you have feelings! you have a heart and soul of both worlds. Last but not the least you are respected by us for those who stood by you when you were hosptialized, lastly.....
those who can not respect you as an officer of the law and as a personal friend to u, are not worthy of being your friends, the reality is harsh the respect is earn not given. you were kind enuff to help, now i know u said in remote way the buck stops here, and i respect that, i see too many poeple taking advantage of your postion as a officer and of another state and not our own... there is 3 ways you can find out what your legal rights are...
one... google it!
two... ADA ( ( if im wrong on the website pls correct me thanks in advance)
three.... confer with the officer in your home area. yr city officer or sheriff's department or constable of your region)
4 if you want to get an opioion or clarifcation im sure taylor would help clarify it but pls don't overuse him for that purpose BUT thats ALL he's going to be doing.. because i don't blame him for feeling like overused relied on for help....
last but not the least internet is everywhere pls use it to your advantage.. stop taking up taylor's time when he could be using it to futher broaden his mind...
and taylor theres 2 ways you can do this... if thier personally attacking you in PMland. just do yourself a favor fwd it to the moderator let them handle it... 2nd u can also do this and we would respect it... turn off yr PM for a cooling off period so you won't get harsh replies from poeple... or poeple attacking your ingerity...
u did a job of venting out u got it off your chest, now best bet.. move on with your life knowing you have made a comment about how you feel and now u have a clear concesions (sp) on your mind, go forth and be the best you have already been, a great friend, and a great cop!