First, I'm an independent. I do have 3 decades experiences as a federal worker working government programs with exposure to our elected officials. I'm familiar with the capabilities and limitations on both sides of the aisle. This includes energy. Mr. Gingrich...tho well meaning shows a lack of understanding of the complexity of the issue.
He does provide an adequate overview though slanted toward his political view. The strength of his case is the increasing daily power of special interests...does he acknowledge those he follows and in his party?
Two points illustrate his limitations. First, he never addresses that 35% of oil is used for crucial non-transportation aspects. These range from agriculture to plastics plus hundreds of more vital applications. He could include financial models showing the gravity of the consequences of losing this capability to better make his point of why we need to drill. Second, he should research EROEI...or energy return on energy energy frames how and why we can and should change based on scientific...managerial efficiency and effectiveness. It also will reveal the flaws on his too optimistic view of additional oil...buttressed by actual data (i.e. depletion rates, on line rates, etc.).
Yes...we are going to have an energy revolution...but it will be painful and take decades. His almost blind adherence to his sources without auditing and questioning them is a key example of why our government is broke IMO. His recommendations...though some noteworthy...are mainly 1 dimensional to a 3 dimensional problem.
The serious reader should explore other books on Amazon that more completely describe this issue to understand the importance, difficulty and gravity of this situation. I also suggest the Oil Drum...ASPO plus Solar...Wind...other alternative energy web sites. One caution...working closely with numerous leading edge technologies...they seldom come on line as quickly as the proponents say. This is why and decision systems are vital. IMO...concepts nearly foreign to Congress and White House as evidenced in hearings.