When do you take your Christmas Tree down?


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Oct 10, 2011
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I'm doing it today. Feel like I just finished decorating it. Hubby has the house lights down, all ornaments are off the tree and all indoor stuff boxed up. Now the tree goes to our city collection.

How many of you have neighbors who leave their lights up all year?:giggle:

Pack it all up and do it again next year.....I hope!!!!
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I did mine yesterday only because I was tired of my cat climbing on it and the mess it was making on the floor.
We took down and put away all our decorations today.
Took the outside decorations down yesterday, will probably do the trees last this weekend since we use real tree and will be out to the curb on Sunday night when the trash company picks it up with the 'Green' recycling on the next day. :)
We are required to cut our tree in half and then put it out to the curb....
Mine is still up...will really miss it when I start taking it all down tomorrow.
I will put my tree in the side yard for critters to use during the winter for temporary shelter. I will cut it down to size (Chainsaw Massacre anyone?) in the spring to take to the yard waste recycle site.
Mine is still up...will really miss it when I start taking it all down tomorrow.

That goes for me, too. It is still New Year's Day. I want to use the Christmas lights for today. Then I will take all the decorations and the artifical tree down tomorrow (January 2nd). I will store them in my shed behind my house or to give them back to my sister. I have a feeling my sister will let me use them to store them in my shed for this year if I still live here in the Winter. :fingersx:

Not much near our houses. I see one with blue lights across further. But no luminarias. Strange. I looked around. Nothing much for that.
That goes for me, too. It is still New Year's Day. I want to use the Christmas lights for today. Then I will take all the decorations and the artifical tree down tomorrow (January 2nd). I will store them in my shed behind my house or to give them back to my sister. I have a feeling my sister will let me use them to store them in my shed for this year if I still live here in the Winter. :fingersx:

Not much near our houses. I see one with blue lights across further. But no luminarias. Strange. I looked around. Nothing much for that.

I noticed too around my City that not too many people decorated outside this year....even some people didn't even have a Christmas tree....:aw:....
I heard on the news someone was taking their tree out and a branch got caught on the stove and turned it on and the whole house burned down. I had one neighbor that kept her tree until was all dried out and brown , I am sure glad the fool did not burn down my building.
I usually take mine down on New Years Day, but sometimes on my first day off after it.

A long long time ago I was a landscaper. One day in July? Maybe August, we were trimming the bushes at this condo complex and had to knock on someone's door and tell them to take their Christmas lights off the bushes so we could trim them. Yup middle of summer and their lights were still out :D
Few days ago, i think. I learned that poland tradition to put it down within a week. Is that true, @thehightlander??