What's your occupation?

My occupation is ...

soon-to-be-burnt out teacher

part-time housewife who cant keep her house clean as much as she would like to.

Full-time mommy to a raucous little 2 year old boy and part-time mommy to a pre-teen.

Full-time wife to a hard-working hubby of 3 years.

Those are my exciting careers. :D
I have been a bank teller for 3 years:) and i am a full time law student in colleg but i would like to take my Bachelor of Arts in linguistics and then masters in speech language pathology:)
I am a homeschooling mom of 7. (4 down 3 to go) !! woohoo!
Running my farm business.
Taking care of my elderly mother.
Wife to a hard working hubby of 25 years.
General goof off when I have time, ususally on my birthday my hubby
sends me out for a day all to myself while he holds down the kids, farm and mom.
(Once a year weather I need it or not)
Busines Analyst here -- Acting

Hey you would have fun analyzing my kids farm business.

Their product? Organic Plant Food
Name of Product? Spirit Mountain All Natural Plant Elixer
How made? Hand crafted with a proprietary blend of
all natural ingrediants. (goat poop and coffee grounds)
Sell price? $3 per gallon dillutes to 3 gallons
Purpose ? To raise money for their college.
Amount made
last summer? $500 (plus they bought my gas and coffee)

Knowleged gained? Tremendous homeschool experience
I measure filters of light and report on the defective ones and try to improve the quality control process.
I will be attending college for the third time (third year) to study general courses and computer wordprocessing to become a clerk typist. I also will teach basic ASL to college students who want to learn so that they can communicate with me in classes and off campus. :fingersx:
I am a volunteer coordinator for Hospice.
Cafe' Worker for youth at our church
Taxi driver for kids

Also very new to AD and trying to figure this whole thing out!!!
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I am a registered nurse working in the operating room...yes and I am deaf. It is possible!:D
Does occupation involve school? I am PJC Student. I planning to be Math/ASL teacher.