What's your new year's resolution?

I don't make one. Then I don't have to deal with the guilt when I inevitably break it.:P

ha ha thats true. I didnt make one that I know myself that i would not stick to the committed resolution.
Lose a few more pounds, make more friends, and maybe find a cute boy to keep me busy. ;)
lose my fat belly, do well in death and dying (post grad paper) and just basically make it a good year, last year (2010) has been rough for me ....

Nothing spectacular just achieveable
Achievable is going to be the my word of the year!
resolution? why bother? :lol:

Procrastination is the enemy of progression. If things are not getting done then you really don't want it bad enough. Every new year people make resolution of some sort. Why wait? What's the significance of New Year that will prohibit you from accomplishing your goals now? Action is the ONLY thing that matter.
Absolutely nothing wrong with having a resolution, its called tradition for the Celebration of the New Year's day.
I am serious focus on my exercise at fitness with 5 times a week instead nothing or once a week! :shock:

Good year 2011 for all of us!
Wirelessly posted

Awesome Sosie! That's hard work, my goal is to become a trained Zumba instructor :)

:ty: Yes, it is. I joined the Planet Fitness to work out, walk faster that burns up my calories and eat heathy food. No snacks for me...

I know that you can do it. Go for it, girl!!! :)
Well - Get more exercise, Continue with my ASL learning and get better with my art. I am now painting with acrylics and also using colored pencils. Finished my first colored pencil picture with a few problems to be fixed, have done 2 acrylics and 1 drawing that was colored in with oil pastel cremes.

Good for you!
Painting is an inspiration! ;)
Great job Sosie! I went from an 18 to a 15 too. My resolution is to not let my daughter's situation depress me like it did in 2010 and just enjoy life more that year than I did in 2010. I am tiredo of being stressed out and depressed over this stupid court thing.

Also, continue to lose more weight. Got another 40 more to go.

:ty:, Shel. When I visited my brother, his family and my other 4 siblings and they all said to me, "Sosie, you lost weight, you look great!" I thanked them and I felt so good about it. I am still continuing to lose more weight. I need another 35 more to go!!!

That's great, Shel! Keep up the good work! Keep us posted. ;)
Sorry to hear that. I can totally understand how you feel. I am with you. My situation is similar as yours. I am depressed, too because I am worried about my mother, etc. I keep eating and eating but I am still working on it, to make sure that I don't eat too much. Hugs!
To have a better relationship with my wonderful son. His dad ruined him and lied to him. So now my son knows. I am glad it over.

That's great news, that's your best Christmas present you ever have had! :)
Best of luck to everyone here on their resolutions. I can envision it'd happen for y'all.

My resolutions:

*Lose weight and reach size 12
*Less drama and stress for me and my whole family next year
*Get great priced airfare to US for Summer.
*Try and get some driving lessons in.
*Be more comfortable financially.

:ty: and you, too, Miss-Delectable! :)
I will be getting back for your replies. So, be patience! :lol:

I have to go now feeding my kitty, take a quick shower, get dressed, eating my breakfast and then, off to meeting up a deaf old elderly lady. We are going to church.

Enjoy your day, everyone!