Bush_in_2004! said:
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Banjo, any comments?
I did enjoy Rocky Horror Picture Show even though Tim Curry was creepy as hell!
There's a movie of Kevin Smith's, Chasing Amy. I have it on DVD.
That movie with Jennifer Aniston in it, The Object of My Affection... quite a number of critics panned it but I enjoyed it because of the efforts made to make the movie very sensitive to relationship between a hetrosexual and a homosexual as possible. I would recommend that movie to several people as long they are not narrow-minded.
Myself, I believe Jennifer Aniston will win an Oscar someday. I can see it happening. From what I have heard, Jennifer don't even do research before doing a movie like most actors would including her hubby, Brad Pitt. It just take her a few minutes to get into it and show just the right emotions.
Even though she play a bubbly characters on the series, Friends. She has the potential to be a great actress.
Anyway, there's a movie with Marlee in it, It's My Party... a bad movie in my honest opinion.
The acting were too... surreal and corny for my tastes since it tried to be serious.
Just in case you folks didn't know. At first, I wasn't aware that this movie involved gay people. Of course, I was startled to see naked men running around since I was like what?
The thing is, it's rare for a movie to show naked men. But I'm very open-minded when it come to movies with explict sex scenes.
But that movie, it was just for shock value. They made the gay community look bad in some ways because of the party they showed in the movie.
Still, without that scene... the movie would still had sucked.