What's your dinner tonight?

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Tonight was hamburgers and a cesar salad with homemade dressing. I made the dressing and put together the salad, and brother BBQd the burgers.
I cooked pork chops in the slow cooker...love that thing! I love that slow cooker do the dirty work for me! hehehe!

And I also made mashed potatoes and corn on the cobs. :)
A pizza with spinach and feta cheese. Brand was Palermo Organic. It was on sale for $5 so I decided to try it. It was surprisingly good.

Also Ultra Violet Mountain Dew. It took me forever to find this, and I was very disappointed.
just had fish sticks and artichokes

tomorrow we'll have chili! MMMM! I will put them in slow cooker and do it dirty work for me hehehe
Mostacelli with marinara sauce and buttered bread.
My boyfriend and I were having Chinese foods earlier tonight at the restaurant in the gay city. Then dessert, we're having red chinese jell-o. ;)
Tonight was chicken cordon bleu (bought frozen from the store) and potatoes with herbs. Tonight I made dinner again.
French dip sandwich, blackberries, chocolate milk, and ice cream.
Cornish hen if it ever cooks complete :giggle: still in the oven
wild salmon, steamed carrots w/olive oil, ginger and nutmeg, and a few of hubby's "natural" tater tots <Cascadian Farms> and apple
Tonight was leftover chilli (I preheated :P) and garlic bread (throw it in the oven in the bag it was bought in). I slaved over the stove all day. :P :lol:
On my own tonight, so I had the worst dinner ever! Velveeta macaroni and cheese cup, (yuck), instant cup of Potato Leek soup, and chocolate milk.

I might pad this out with a Hebrew National hotdog later. :(
I had veggie soup and a chocolate bar. It sucks being sick. Maybe I'll have a milk shake later.
On my own tonight, so I had the worst dinner ever! Velveeta macaroni and cheese cup, (yuck), instant cup of Potato Leek soup, and chocolate milk.

I might pad this out with a Hebrew National hotdog later. :(

I hope the chocolate milk the better part of the meal! :lol:
I had veggie soup and a chocolate bar. It sucks being sick. Maybe I'll have a milk shake later.

I'd kill for a milkshake! :lol: I haven't had anything overly sugary in a couple weeks! Just the odd cereal bar. :(
Loghead, I ended up having a bowl of Malt-o-Meal instead. I'm going to have a milk shake another time. My fav is strawberry. There's something really comforting about a milk shake. I like one with a burger. Now, I'm making myself hungry again!
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