For tonight dinner....not too probably throw some chickens in the slow cooker and put something with it....delish! Along with mashed potatoes or rice and corn on the cob.
I had spaghetti bolognese with some chopped mushrooms in it and parmesan cheese sprinkle on it. My hubby always call parmesan cheese a smelly sock cheese.
apple, salad, veggie tomato soup w/Navy beans < I really like beans> and sprouted corn tortilla and half an egg.
last night hubby and I went out w/my folks for dinner and we tried a new pizza place - well they had pizza and I had a hummus and veggie sandwich and salad.
The rest of the family had French Fries and toasted roast beef sandwiches smothered in gravy... ew... and I just had the roast beef and a couple fries.
The rest of the family had French Fries and toasted roast beef sandwiches smothered in gravy... ew... and I just had the roast beef and a couple fries.