what's your definition of late?

Originally posted by e
:dunno: The word 'late' doesn't exist in my mind. I hate when my school always sent me to detention for that! :mad:

some people think 8 pm is late, for myself i dont think so. around 10 and up is sure late!!
Its a quarter. To nine. In the morning. Here:-D

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Well, that's one way of digging up an oooooooooooooooold thread (11 years old!)
I thought it must be the OP returned due to similarities of user name.
My definition of the word "Late" is that I am always late for everything and every time that I tried to be on time. I get depressed when I am late. Geeze. Other times, I get right on time with no problem.

No wonder I was born late (10 months instead of 9 months). :roll: