whats ur job predictor?

when i type in aj, it says my ideal job is a soap actor

when i type in andrew james, it says my ideal job is a mermaid......what the hell is that about?
CoolieFroggie said:
Michelle, Your ideal job is a Professional Tramp. :rofl:

Micah, Your ideal job is a Mime Artist. :confused:

CoolieFroggie, Your ideal job is a Pole Dancer. :fu2:

Deafscuba&Cooliefroggie's son- Sean, Your ideal job is a Rally Car Driver. :eek:
i predict he's gonna be a rally car driver :D
Brent, you ideal job is Trained Assassin. :rl:

Brent (middle) (last), your ideal job is Jungle Explorer. :whip:

First name and Last name, your ideal job is Hypnotist. :shock: :eek: :zzz:

Screen name, your ideal job is Computer Nerd. :bsflag: :type:
IcedTeaRulz said:
(my real name) Your ideal job is a lottery winner - no need to work !!.

IcedTeaRulz, Your ideal job is a Prime Minister.

Add more:

(my middle name) Your ideal job is a Bearded Lady in the circus. :eek2:
Magatsu said:
****** (real name), Your ideal job is a Emperor of all the world.

u get emperor of the world and i get mermaid?? im not even a chick!

i guess ill stick with soap actor
^^ There are male mermaids, not only female. Mermaid is a human/fish person.