What's the temperature in your town?

84 and Cloudy
84. Today we set a record in our state for the number of days over 80 degrees in one year.
rain hard here couple times... middle of night(thunderstorms) and middle of day. :lol: We need all the rain we can get.
74, but I am washing and organizing cold weather clothes, in confidence that we can't have perpetual summer! :P
mid 50's and rainy this afternoon. :rockon: believe it or nawt, love this kind of weather..b/c doesnt happen often.
Wirelessly posted

90 degrees and Monday will be100
83 and feels like 91 - cloudy. I will take Smithtr's 73 in a heartbeat!!!!
Hot, in the eighties and due to stay that way all week. At least no heating bills, I guess.