Too many embarrasing moments for me as I m a natural klutzee!
One time while camping out in Colorado, my sister and I met this really cute set of brothers camping there from Illinois. We were all flirting. The older brother asked me where we were from. I said Oregon and he goes Oh there are lots of bigfoots there huh?
Me - trying to read lips - thought he meant beavers - I said oh yes we have tons of beavers. I launched into some tidbits about beavers. The brothers and my sister all stared at me with glassy eyes. I suddenly felt something was amiss so I stopped and asked him if I misunderstood him.
He goes - yes - I said Bigfoot, not Beaver! Talk about awkward silence! The boys walked off and didnt bother to talk to us during the rest of our duration.
How embarrasing for a 16 year old girl trying to impress a boy