What's the most embrassing thing you did in your life?

No- I am in pure denial. Sorry maybe I will getting guts sometime to share one of a million of mine :lol:
Let it out!

Once you tell us, you'll feel better knowing that it's not a dark horrible secret any more. ;)
everytime im drunk and i light a cigerette backwords i feel like a retard :(
Hahaha... that's what drinking too much does to you! :nono:


I know a guy who develops a hat fetish every time he's drunk. He can't go by without grabbing someone's hat and running off with it. He'll hide them, then forget where he put them. :roll:
One time I was on vacation with my family and another family. We were at the beach and the water was very, very rough. I was swimming in the water and basically doing somersaults under horrible waves, I had spent the last few minutes being tossed about while I was just trying to get out of the water. When I finally got out and started making my way to shore my friends all started waving and shouting at me. i thought they were just happy to see me, and it wasn't until I was right there with everyone that I realized that the top of my one piece bathing suit had worked its way down to my waist and that I had so much sand bunched into my crotch that I looked like I had a penis! I was so disoriented by the rough water that I was completely oblivious LOL, until my mom (who, with all of my friends, was doubled over laughing at me as I walked up to them and didn't bother to run and help:)) yanked my suit up.
One time I was on vacation with my family and another family. We were at the beach and the water was very, very rough. I was swimming in the water and basically doing somersaults under horrible waves, I had spent the last few minutes being tossed about while I was just trying to get out of the water. When I finally got out and started making my way to shore my friends all started waving and shouting at me. i thought they were just happy to see me, and it wasn't until I was right there with everyone that I realized that the top of my one piece bathing suit had worked its way down to my waist and that I had so much sand bunched into my crotch that I looked like I had a penis! I was so disoriented by the rough water that I was completely oblivious LOL, until my mom (who, with all of my friends, was doubled over laughing at me as I walked up to them and didn't bother to run and help:)) yanked my suit up.

That would have been a sight to behold! :laugh2:
Too many embarrasing moments for me as I m a natural klutzee!

One time while camping out in Colorado, my sister and I met this really cute set of brothers camping there from Illinois. We were all flirting. The older brother asked me where we were from. I said Oregon and he goes Oh there are lots of bigfoots there huh?

Me - trying to read lips - thought he meant beavers - I said oh yes we have tons of beavers. I launched into some tidbits about beavers. The brothers and my sister all stared at me with glassy eyes. I suddenly felt something was amiss so I stopped and asked him if I misunderstood him.

He goes - yes - I said Bigfoot, not Beaver! Talk about awkward silence! The boys walked off and didnt bother to talk to us during the rest of our duration.

How embarrasing for a 16 year old girl trying to impress a boy :laugh2:

good thing nothing happened between you guys. he sounds like a jerk with no sense of humor. you wouldn't be having a good relationship with him anyway. but i'd surely wish i'm there instead of him cuz i'd be guffawing like a donkey and then...... :naughty:
These are pretty minor stories, but they seem to happen pretty frequently for me though. I confuse a lot of things or make false correlations.

I thought the christmas song went "chicken bells, chicken bells, chicken all the way" instead of "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way" - I thought this song was why we had chicken at every Christmas.

Today at dinner actually, we ate hard boiled eggs and the yoke was blue (I'm not sure why) and I asked if blue balls was related to blue yokes. I wish I hadn't asked that one. The men all winced. And decided to share stories...

I had gotten out of the pool after swim practice, gotten into the locker room and was showering and I was reading the lips of my roommate and she was talking about how ice cream makes her testicles cold - and I'm really confused. So, I went up to her shower stall and pulled off her swim suit off and pointed at her crotch and said "see! you don't have testicles, what are you talking about?" She pauses with a moment of confusion and she proceeds to take my swimsuit off and says "Nope, I've got a vagina just like you - what are you talking about?" Anyways, after some further conversations, she explained that she said that "Icecream makes her intestines cold." (Can your intestines feel temperature???). I don't think the rest of the swim team saw the two of us the same ever again.

I've done my fair share of streaking. I went streaking with another one of my roomates and we acidently ran though a gym that had a party with a bunch of alumni and sponsers. Whoops. I go to the Provost House for church and her husband saw me too!

why.... am i aroused? :naughty: A/S/L???