what's the first pager/cellphone you bought? and how many cellphone/pager you have?

nah.. I like Nokia 1100 cuz save my money I only pay 29.99 prepaid card for whole 3 month then refill another 29.99.

At least you got a good ofter...
At least you got a good ofter...

I still have sidekick 2 (broken) and still payment because my contract is not finish til next month November I can't afford to pay $200 to get off contract. So I use Nokia 1100 for emergency only. I had nokia 1100 for 3 years and never problem with it, I love it.
I still have sidekick 2 (broken) and still payment because my contract is not finish til next month November I can't afford to pay $200 to get off contract. So I use Nokia 1100 for emergency only. I had nokia 1100 for 3 years and never problem with it, I love it.

Don't you have insurance, I'm sure they can cover it.
I purchased that sidekick 2 from ebay and I dont have insurance.

Ahh, now that explains it. I understand now. Maybe fixing it at the company that support Sidekick? But you need to pay 50-100 something to get it fixed!?
Looks like I was a latecomer to the cellphone party lol. My 1st cellphone happens to be the one I'm using, a Verizon LG EnV. That was way back in 2007. I considered getting a Sidekick but hearing enough horror stories and a lack of Knoxville sales offices made me go to Verizon for my cell service.

I thought that my credit sucked cuz my ex wife let my Sable get repossessed and she refused to let me get a cellphone or sidekick despite her having one. That was what I told the clerk cuz I was afraid I would have to fork over a huge deposit for it. To my surprise I didnt have to put a deposit towards the EnV's contract. So I took the plunge and bought the cell on the spot.

At first because Verizon didnt have their TAP plan when I got the cell, I had to settle for the Nationwide Premium v-cast plan that cost me 80 a month. When I found out about the TAP last July I immediately switched to that plan and that saved me $40 a month.

However I'm soo pretty much satsified with Verizon and their network and I will never go to another carrier. I'm now looking forward to November when I can trade the EnV in for the new Blackberry Storm iPhone killer. Even my roomie was soo convinced about Verizon she tossed out her Sprint cell for a Palm Treo.
Shalom deafies and hearing-alike :)

My 1st, Skytel T-900 pain in the ass! It take so forever to send sms/email! :( This one

2nd, Deafwireless Rim 850 -- again, it pain in the ass! Check coverage area and it shows full service but nah it didn't at my home even at the park right in front of my old home. I had to drive up north to the mall 5 miles north of my home for better signal. Here it is.

3rd, T-Mobile Sidekick Color -- Goodbye two way communicate pager, hello cellphone! It OKAY but still pain in the ass... Coverage is kinda of bad, very spotty with coverage. Like when I put my good ol' sidekick color on my desk by desktop computer, it coverage good but when I walk to my bed in same room it out of coverage. Bad experience did ya, no? Just like this...

4th, T-Mobile Sidekick II -- It OKAY but again, still pain in the ass. Spotty coverage still. Good thing about Sidekick II is that it have camera but the camera's quality result is very poor. Like this...

5th, T-Mobile Sidekick III -- It okay and a little bit improved with a little bit improved camera quality but coverage? YUCK. Still spotty. Heard that it would have EDGE from T-Mobile but guess it didn't. It's my LAST Sidekick from T-Mobile. Yep, this,

6th, TracFone Nokia 1100 -- I use this prepaid cellphone because of my stupid ass 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations of Sidekick's weak signal (spotty). So I use Nokia 1100 for better coverage for SMS only and plus el cheapo! Better than nothing, right? No? Uno momento, por favor... googling for the image... ah here it is,

7th, T-Mobile BlackBerry 8800 -- Goodbye Sidekick, welcome back RIM (I used to own RIM 850 and RIM is the same company that build BlackBerry)! I love this BlackBerry because it have internal GPS but disappoint that it doesn't have camera, a little bit heavy and the keypad is so tight close, hard for me to type and got misspelling all the time! I still keep it in case if my 'other' BlackBerry break down. I also love this little baby because the signal is STRONG than Sidekick. It also have EDGE! My first cell phone that have EDGE! I notice that when I lay my BlackBerry under the monitor, the monitor goes flick, move like wave or crazy. I was surprised just like RIM 850 that the signal it send and receive is fast like lightning! I love this thing...

Yep, it's 8th and the final (finally!), T-Mobile BlackBerry Curve 8320 -- It's the BEST BlackBerry I ever had! It have camera (better quality than Sidekick 2 and 3), my favorite feature - WiFi. Yep I love when it automatically connect to my wireless DSL gateway (router) when I get near to my home. When I send email or SMS through WiFi, the signal sent and receive is super FAST! I notice that cute little blue arrow on top right corner of screen goes CRAZY fast when it on WiFi. The keypad or thumb pad is much better than the 8800's, more space for my big thumb. :) I love this! It's BADASS! I love this little curve baby! The color? Gold. Just like this baby...

Last edited:
1. Wyndtell RIM (forget whats model nbr) (3months)
2. AOL Pager (one year and half)
3. Deafwireless Pager (2way.net) (one year and half)
4. Sidekick 2 (one year and half)
5. BlackBerry 8700g (one year and half)
6. BlackBerry 8830 Curve (Sprint) (present)
Motorola T900
AOL pager
SK color
SK 2
SK 3
Blackberry Curve
History of my life to own:

-Motorola Talkabout 2way
-Motorola Timeport
-Deafwireless 2way
-AOL pager
-Sidekick 1
-Sidekick 2
-Blackberry 7290
-Blackberry 8700
-Blackberry Pearl [current]