Whats good? -- From Miami, FL

Tried to say hello at your profile page but always goes to Chevy 57, maybe someone can fix that. So thanks for stop by feel free to chat anytime, do you have any great hobbies you enjoy?
CHeVY™, Did you contact Alex, admin to change your new username yet? Many Ad'ers had confused nickname of you and me. I will wait to hear from you. Thanks
:welcome: to AD! Passionate4ASL and me are in the same ASL classes @ MDC so maybe we'll see you around :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here as soon as you fix the username. You will find Alex in one of the threads here like in the Sticky or music threads (I don't know). He will be glad to help you with your username for change. Good luck. See you around. :wave: