Yep. Look at me. I'm a hard-core Sidekick 3 AIM user and I text frequently. I think I would go into severe withdrawal if my SK3 dies on me. I've had it for 2 years. :fingerx: The SK3 allows me to stay in touch with all my friends and family, both Deaf and hearing. Especially my sister and my aunt and my fiance - I texted my aunt yesterday to ask her a question regarding baseball as my aunt works for Miller Brewery as a spokesperson and my uncle is a baseball fanatic and knew all the trivia. (no I don't care about baseball but I saw something on a show and went WTF so I texted my aunt to ask her if it was fictional or if it was actually true - and it was actually TRUE!

True facts in a Simpsons show! LOL. Best part about texting is that you can get an answer real quick - perfect! I got an answer from my aunt within 2 minutes! I can text my sister and find out where she is if I needed to as she is in the military. I can text or IM or email everybody and their mother. I can email them in an instant. I don't have to wait to get home to email someone. And I like having my SK3 in case of emergencies or when Medicaid Transportation fucks up as was the case on Thursday - I had very kindly asked the driver to PLEASE wait 5 minutes while I ran in and picked a RX from the doctor - I promised him I would be VERY QUICK - they had it on the desk and I was given the RX immediately so I was in and out in 1 minute but the guy left!

I was stranded in Live Oak, with NO public transit bus service at all!!! How was I supposed to get home? Thankfully I IM'd my fiance and he was there within 15 minutes. Thank goodness for my SK3, I do not know what I would do if the SK3 dies. Those phones are so expensive!