What's a good show to watch?

I enjoy watching Impractical Jokes on TruTV
Dont' know if you get HBO on demand but Boardwalk Empire is another good series!
not sure if this seen inStates,Drakular, it got different slant still horror drak still has blood for tea and sinister but have some synpathy with him..the fashan is victorian sametime different,it incredable and show worth a go
not sure if this seen inStates,Drakular, it got different slant still horror drak still has blood for tea and sinister but have some synpathy with him..the fashan is victorian sametime different,it incredable and show worth a go
I don't think it is her ein the U.S. but I can always look it up on the internet.
Wirelessly posted

Impractical Jokers is amusing. On a completely different side of the spectrum, I love American Horror Story. Season 2 sucked, but season 1 was AMAZING and season 3 now is getting preeeeetty good! :D
Gold Rush 4 (Discovery Channel) is my favorite show. Nothing more American than to see some guys out of Sandy, Oregon to try and strike it rich in Alaska...and in South America. The show is in its 4th season.