I know how u feel. Stastistics say that the average burn out rate for teachers is 5 years and I am entering my 6th year this Fall. For the first time, I am seriously complementing a career change but I cant do that to the kids. If all of us left Deaf ed then who will be there for the innocent deaf children who have no communication at home?
I just cant do it but for the first time since I started my job, I am not looking forward to returning to work. I think I am burnt out.
My dad has been teaching in the public school systems (mainstream) for 28 years, I believe he wil be retiring within the next couple of years. Its gotten to the point that it has become more paperwork than actual teaching.
The ironic part? I know his grumbles, yet I am going back to school for an English Education major to become an English teacher.
As for the red highlighted part? It'll be people like me who are young and think they can change the system, but after 5-10 years they realize they can't then they eventually leave for another career.
But the reasons why I am going into education are:
1. I prefer to work with kids - I worked as a camp counselor once and I liked it.
2. Education is one of the few economic recession proof fields - their will be schools that need teachers when major companies are going through cutbacks and layoffs due to the poor economy.
3. The hours are more 'normal' where I feel like I can be more dependent in taking care of my DD. At present I have to be at work before her daycare opens, so mom and dad are responsible for getting her there, while I pick her up in the afternoons.
4. Its a stable paycheck, I won't be rich, but it's a stable paycheck that I can live comfortably on and not having scrap for change to make ends meet.