Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VIII

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hey yall.... just want to check in with yall and see whats up... im doing good.. been with my bf this week.. :) my ankle is still throbbing.. its black n blue.. jeez! im gettin the hang of putting pressure on it but still painful! :shock: i will be ok.. lol :)

hope all of u have a great weekend! :wave:

Take care of that ankle! Ouchie!
We got home around 9...boy what a DAY!!! We did not EXPECT fund raiser going on!!! TOOOOOOO MANY PEOPLE! It was also windy, humid, hot...but at least we had a good time! :thumb:
I went to a double birthday party today for my niece and nephew today. It was fine but I think it was too bloody hot, the kids didn't have a nap and so it made for a very cranky day for sure. Nearly every toy was fought over.

I bought my nephew a John Deere die cast tractor set. One of them has a replica Ford truck like my uncle's (his pawpaw) and he went nuts for it.

I bought my niece two soft baby dolls, one of which came with clothes and a diaper bag and the other is a very soft plush doll. She's only 2 so I was careful not to get her something that had a lot of small parts as they are a choking hazard.

Also these are not my actual niece and nephew, they are the children of a cousin by marriage, but for simplicity we just call them niece and nephew and cousin to my DD. I am sure as they get older they will realize the actual relationship. :lol: I don't have a family, I have a Heinz 57, :lol:

It was also not a good day for my diet ARGGGH! I had McDonald's for lunch (my DD's choosing) and that more than filled me up and I only ate the small burger and less than half of the fries. Then we get to the party and I had a hot dog w/ mustard. Then my DD didnt finish her plate and I felt guilty to let her waste the hosts food like that so I ended up finishing her plate like a human waste disposal. Now I'm bloated and cramping. I ate WAAAAY to much today. I hate it when I over eat like this. :( Im not even going to weigh myself today - I'm afraid of what it'll say.
hey yall.... just want to check in with yall and see whats up... im doing good.. been with my bf this week.. :) my ankle is still throbbing.. its black n blue.. jeez! im gettin the hang of putting pressure on it but still painful! :shock: i will be ok.. lol :)

hope all of u have a great weekend! :wave:

I know exactly how you feel, sure hope you get well soon. Take care yourself
and your ankle.

I have been in bed rest for 4 weeks with sciatic nerve and its not fun. I am getting better each day it disabled me from walking urgh.. Slowly, I started to get up and move around not 100% almost there.
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