Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VIII

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HI everyone
today same old thing kids on vaccation. House work,laundry, cook and pay bills. Thats life! Good day to all!
OH, I'm STRESSED this morning! Printing out a progress report before I go to work. ESY is almost over (one more week!). I got so many errands to run today. I hate running errands. :( Anybody want to come to my pity party? haha

:wave: I do!
I am in the mood for ham and cheese for lunch
I am gettin better and am in a good mood:P
Gotta pack my bags and travel again. Weather check of the place of where I'm going: not any cooler than here. *sigh* Shorts are lighter but the fuel surcharge is still going to be there.
My daughter told me today that my new grandson past his hearing test
I did past it, when i was baby but later i became deaf.

That happen sometimes,I was born hoh and the older I get the more hearing I lose,I can't hear nothing in my right ear without a HA and my left hear is getting just as bad.
Guess what?

I am now 9 stone and 13 pounds! I thought I would never see the day again! I am so proud of myself. People at work are calling me bony ass, although I still don't think I am at my ideal weight. I will probably keep going until I am around 7 or 8 stone. My boss L--- says that I am already too skinny, but for me personally I am not happy at 9 stone because I feel that I look my best at 8 stone and 8 lbs. I like less than one stone to be at my goal weight.

Is this an unhealthy obsession? I don't know. But God I wish I had the muscle tone of Carrie Tollefson. That lady looks hot. I know I am probably going to have drop below my ideal weight then start lifting and running like hell to get that sort of muscle tone. (I'll lose the fat tissue then regain with muscle).

At my lowest weight I looked almost exactly like her except I had (and have) bigger legs unfortunately, but I am set on losing the J. Lo ass I've got. I curse my short height for that.

Anyway - congrats to all of you who have had wonderul new additions to your family in the past week. I've just taken some happy pills and can't sleep so I'll be browsing on here for a while probably even though it is 11:32 pm here and I have to get up at 4:30 to go to work. Bleh.
OH, I'm STRESSED this morning! Printing out a progress report before I go to work. ESY is almost over (one more week!). I got so many errands to run today. I hate running errands. :( Anybody want to come to my pity party? haha

only if you supply the jagermeister \m/

Thanks,I remember when I had my kids the doctors made a big deal out of getting my kids hearing tested :roll:

Our doctor was the same way. He was very concerned that my oldest daughter would be deaf because she was a preemie and there was history of deafness in the family. I told him it really doesn't matter because she will be exposed to ASL regardless if she's hearing or not.
I have a fake crown on my tooth that was broken. My "real" porcelain crown will be here on the 30th (next week). Anyways, I was flossing my teeth tonight when I realized that the floss was stuck - on the bottom of the crown. It took about three minutes before I finally got it out. I was about to die of a panic attack! Geez!!!!

Happy Flossing, everyone!
Gotta pack my bags and travel again. Weather check of the place of where I'm going: not any cooler than here. *sigh* Shorts are lighter but the fuel surcharge is still going to be there.

Have a safe and fun trip. :)
I am packing the bags, and I am crash landing back to Sydney tomorrow!
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