Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VIII

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i will leave here at 8am go clean house and earn money.. :)
I feel like going back to bed but can't
Another day at work and I seem to notice this thread is going very slow :dunno:
An observation:

At night, there are two quiet areas in a major city. One is midway between the financial district and the suburbs. The other is closest to the financial district. Everywhere else seems busy.
An observation:

At night, there are two quiet areas in a major city. One is midway between the financial district and the suburbs. The other is closest to the financial district. Everywhere else seems busy.

Yeah that is right.
Hey norcal20 - did you have a chat with freckles on VP?
I just chatted a friend from CA and she is coming to see me in August for 3 weeks. Yay it will be fun.
I subscribe to Ben Franklin's pre-disposition: fish and guests stink after 3 days.
brydie714 - have you yet to name your cats, Authentic and JClarke yet? :lol:
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