I tried that with another web cam - it didnt turn out so pretty. Needless to say I had to uninstall the who shebang and even then couldnt return it for a refund at wal-mart. Im not doing the web-driver thing again.
but I have no circuit city's or best buy's around here locally. The closest one is 70mi in Ft. Smith.
But I am done with the webcam for now. When I get my truck and I get a better paying job I will likely purchase a high end laptop that has more memory and higher capabilities as well as having an INTEGRATED camera so I dont have to fool around with compatibility.
I am just stay home since I have been in and out all week...so time for a weekend break! All I need to do is catch up on laundry and some cleaning. Have a good weekend everyone!
don't make yourself sick due to cleaning .. stay healthy
haha dont worry about me.. I havent done nothing but rest..
so do i.. dont have that here locally as well.. the closest one is LIttle Rock and its 50 miles away.. grrr. LOL.. :P
I need to go to Little Rock, I havent been in that city in over two years.