Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

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Wow, Dixie!! We are now starting to get your rains here in MD.

I just ordered car magnets saying "01*20*09 Bush's Last Day" going to put it on my car and celebrate!
I need some of those Shel! :lol: Do you get a discount for ordering them in bulk? :lol:
We'll have some more snow tomorrow... :pissed: Only up to about 3 inches but still I don't want SNOW!!!
I'm looking forward for a 1 week break from University. Give me time for more reading. :)
OK Ive got pics finally!



Dixie, these are so much water! And photos looks nice! :D
By the way, Koala... I am already way past your current posts, I am over 4,000 posts :devil: :P :lol:
I just ate chinese food, it was nasty in this area. I told the manager that chinese food is the best in Washington, DC and New York where I had been lived there for years. I will be going to see my Mom and family in Va next month, and then heading back to my home in NY. <my pager kept emailing junk> that s beast!... I will have my older son help me with the house to pack up before the property gets in listed. I will be glad when it is over.
Im contemplating revealing a part of myself - but not sure if I should or should I wait. I want to make sure this is right.

Also the water is receeding here, which Im glad of. Now Im left wondering - will the bank be open tomorrow so I can cash my paycheck - if not - I can pretty much cancel my weekend plans. *sigh&
we will go food shopping tonight cuz of my hubby had errand something first then we go.. :)
By the way, Koala... I am already way past your current posts, I am over 4,000 posts :devil: :P :lol:

I thought I saw Posts: 2 and Blogs: 4,014. Must be something wrong with my glasses. :giggle:

BTW congrats :)
I just chillin out today, i am not sure what i am going to do today since outside is very warm and nice!
Wants to say HAPPY EASTER TO YA'LL ! ! HUGS!!!! Have a wonderful wkd... :afro:


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