Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

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I feel a bit odd ... after having a heart pain..
I have just talked to someone who made me feel better ..Thanks to the secret person :giggle:
Dixie I just got back home yesterday...darn...i stayed there from wed to sunday. yeah i know its not that far from your place.. hehe.. :P

I am alone here.. TJ went home with his father not long ago.. so guess im gonna have fun here tonite perhaps will watch the movies on tv or playing a game? I dont know yet...

Oh yeah.... i almost forgot... dont forget to go out tonite and look at Mars as it would be so close to the Moon.. It was an awesome sight last night! first moon was chasing Mars.. then Mars was chasing the moon.. its cool! heheh! wish I have a digital camera to click the pics! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... :giggle:

i cant wait to wear my fav spongebob fleece pj tonite! and no u cant steal it! hehehe! :P
HA HA you wish Id steal em, :lol: I have my own fleece jammies :ty: :ty:

Will mars still be visible tonight under the moon? If so I will snap a photo of it for you on my digital cam and post it here. No biggie.

Anyway Im sitting here with my new iPod nano downloading the best of You Tube videos on it, but I couldnt get it to down load the audio podcasts for some reason. Oh well. if I need more space on my iPod I can manually set which things I want on the iPod itself and which things I can leave on my laptop. But so far I like my new iPod and the best part it is - it was FREE from Mum and Dad. They felt bad that I had saved up for my last iPod only to have lost it in the morning rush, and someone steals it instead of returning it to me. I wasnt too upset though about it, as its just an iPod, Ive lost worse things, but still its like losing a wad of cash as they are expensive!

I hope you and TJ had a really good Christmas. If you need to chat and what not, I'll try to stay on MSN until Christmas dinner tonight with my brother and his fiancee.
I want to let you know that I wrote another steamy story (poetic) in "you know where" thread. :)
:eek: I think I read something that I should not have.....
bleh, I get to go to EMDR therapist tomorrow for PTS Disorder. I hate having to drive 52 miles one way just for psychobabble for an hour and a half then another 52 home.
bleh, I get to go to EMDR therapist tomorrow for PTS Disorder. I hate having to drive 52 miles one way just for psychobabble for an hour and a half then another 52 home.

Perhaps add another 'thing' to do while there, like go shopping, stop at a good restaurant or even see a movie, etc.,.... Other than that suggestion, hope all goes well for you tomw. (..err, later today--;) ).

my friends, my hubby and i went to 2 different malls yesterday cuz of they were on sale.. oh my.. we enjoyed and bought few.. hehehe.. we went china buffet for lunch.. yummy!
I am quite lazy today after all i cleaned the mess all over the place up yesterday left by the kids...due to snow and slush all over floor.. plus toys all over.. wow! toooo MANY! haha! we all had fun playing in snow too... haha! :)

yes mars will be visible for a while... you can see it in EAST sky .. u cant almost miss it.. its BRIGHT and RED... but moon is far away from Mars now.. dang! :(
Before Christmas Day.. That was Christmas Eve!!

In the morning, My husband was about his prepare for ready coffee brews.. after while done the brewing.. and gave me nice coffee cup... I drank and spray it out.. %#%@#$%^ Wha.. hell this burnt coffee? Have you taste it ? He was about going to drink his coffee... and telling me, Yeah you're right.. I walked up directly straighten to the coffee brew.. and took stupid coffee brew and threw it out at outside..

Made me bitchy#%$^T#$Q^%^ We were rushed into the mall and buy last minute brand new coffee brew.. *ahhhh* It's nice coffee brewing.. so much better! We are satisfy w/this new coffee brew and tasty coffee better! Which same time, We bought two coffee brews for ourselves and for my good friend.

Next Day Christmas Day.. *mmmmuuhhhhh deliciously coffee* (smell coffee brewing airborne all over my house)
Been busy with the holidays, going out of town and having visitors. :)
Perhaps add another 'thing' to do while there, like go shopping, stop at a good restaurant or even see a movie, etc.,.... Other than that suggestion, hope all goes well for you tomw. (..err, later today--;) ).


I stopped by where my hubby works at which is a few miles from therapists office and got him to take me to lunch @ Taco Bell!!!!
I stopped by where my hubby works at which is a few miles from therapists office and got him to take me to lunch @ Taco Bell!!!!

Well, that's good, did you even catch a glimpse of the Taco dog too?? :lol: Anyhow, hope your trip was well worth it! ;)

Go Patriots!!!! Love ya!!!! #12
hi hoping all of u are relaxing and enjoying the vacation and visiting with families etc.. but if you want to get some fresh air.. go outside and look at the sky as there are two comets in sky right now and its visible to unaided eye... so go out there and look at them... but its awesome using regular binocular to look at them...

here is the sky map so you can find them in case you are wondering where the heck are they???? fear not... here it is! :)


After a 13.6 year absence, Comet 8P/Tuttle is once again traveling through the inner solar system. On Jan. 1 and 2, 2008, it makes its closest approach to Earth--only 24 million miles away. The emerald-colored comet will brighten to a predicted magnitude of 5.8, visible to the unaided eye from dark-sky sites and a fine target for backyard telescopes anywhere.

Two nights before closest approach, on Dec. 30th and 31st, something extraordinary will happen: Comet 8P/Tuttle has a beautiful close encounter with spiral galaxy M33. The comet and the galaxy may even overlap! This is a can't-miss opportunity for astrophotographers around the world.

Have fun looking at sky! :)

if u dont see me before New Years... I hope all of you have a wonderful and safe new years! Happy New Year to all of you, Aders! hugs to all! :)
I guess I should go astrophotosnapping sometime tonight and tomorrow eh??

Anyway I worked all day yesterday and it was also the big family get together. I came home to a house full of relatives I had not seen since last year and to a cold Christmas dinner sitting on the table. I made myself a plate then went into the breakfast nook to eat alone. Oh well no biggie. But the good thing was despite al of the vehicles parked haphazardly in the driveway - no one parked in my usual parking spot. :)

So I gave my grandparents their gifts, unwrapped of course as I did not have time to wrap them before going to work.

Im so glad that we worked yesterday instead of New Year's Eve day and we get a three day weekend out of the deal along with holiday pay.

This morning I woke up at 4:30 - couldnt go back to sleep. 4:30 is my wake up time for when I have to work, so I guess due to the odd schedules and what not my body is confused now as to which days are OK to sleep in and which days it needs to pop up and be awake for work.

So I got up made me a pot of coffee, grabbed my ipod and watched a downloaded podcast of youtube videos. I actually thought about reading my bible, but then procrastination kicked in and said - 'read it later Dixie, today is Sunday you'll get your load of it in a couple of hours.' eh oh well.

Then when my DD woke up I made her some breakfast then we both got ready for church. When I got there it was an old friend of mine who was teaching my Sunday school class and was also preaching the sermon as well. He's incredibly smart - and ironically the boy wants to become a preacher. After listening to him preach, I honestly think he is better off teaching because he is really fascinated by the background and history of the bible, and during the sermon he kept diving off into that rather than actual preaching (but when he actually did preach, he made a few good points). Its not saying that he's bad, its just that for what he's pursuing he would be much more happier teaching rather than preaching and there is a difference.

After what he said in SS and the sermon - Ive realized that as a Christian that there's something odd about the fact that if the Bible is important to me and the 'center of my faith' why am I not reading it more often? Its like someone who says they are a big fan of football but when asked about the NE Patriots NY Giants game they said they did not watch it because it takes up too much time. It really doesnt make alot of sense or adds up but it does happen.

Sure I could make the annual resolution to resolve to be a better Christian, read the bible more, etc. But its absolutely useless and pointless if I only dabble with the idea and not actually commence the resolution to do things better for God.

Anyway, the overall thing wasnt an outright conviction of anything, it was more or less a 'hey this doesnt make sense.' I never had a lightbulb moment. Rarely do- very few things truly convict me.

So what do about it? Very simple really, especially becaus of modern technology versus the old scrolls in the temple of years gone by. I can download a podcast of scripture reading, one for everyday. Just go grab the iPod, listen to it while Im housecleaning, working, or whilst surfing the internet.

I cant wait until the holidays are over so I can get back on my diet. Im really looking forward to seeing the finished results of that process later this year when discipline and hard work start paying off.

I hope everyone here had a wonderful Christmas and I wish everyone a happy and safe New Year and remember - "Things will be great in '08."
I got a cold and the only thing i can do is watch the ball drop on t.v. :tears:
Just finished dancing to club music for 45 mins in my living room. Worked up a sweat!!! God, I love dancing. I miss going out to the nightclubs with my friends. Those were some great times. :)
2 days has been hell for me since I've been so sick from the virus, had bronchitis, sinus infection, chills, fever, coughing, vomiting etc, but I feel a little better today than I did yesterday.

having bronchitis is no fun at all :rl:
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