Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

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i went to xmas party today, it was okay.. smiles.. i took Lulu to vet and found out he had worm :( so i took food and water away til tmw mid day then give him amount lil food and water.. poor baby.. right now he is sleep.. i am check on him in 1 hr before i go bed.. that mommy's job.. :)
Awww it happened to Tahoe when she was a puppy...now she's fine and healthy. Vet gave her medication and it wasn't work so other medication which was only ONE pill that cost me 5 bucks and it work! Just ONE. Boom killed all the worms! So now keep eye on Tinkerbell...so far she is doing great and happy puppy!

I hope Lulu is okay! *pet Lulu*
i went to xmas party today, it was okay.. smiles.. i took Lulu to vet and found out he had worm :( so i took food and water away til tmw mid day then give him amount lil food and water.. poor baby.. right now he is sleep.. i am check on him in 1 hr before i go bed.. that mommy's job.. :)
Friday night, we went out for dinner at our usual restaurant. After that, we went home and all 4 of us walked (my son in a stroller) 1 and half mile to pick our Christmas tree up. It was like 35 degrees out at 9 PM but my hubby wanted to make it into a family adventure getting our tree. LOL!

We came back and decorated the tree, house and outside of the house. Looks so cute! I will try to post some pics here.

Yesterday, I was out all day doing different stuff and now I am tired.

Today, my kids seem bored and I am debating on whether to stay in or go out and take them someplace fun. I am still tired from Friday and yesterday. The weather is really dreary outside now.
Looking forward to the weekend of camping with the girls - one of the girls lives down the coast, and she is looking forward to see us again. So do I! Wish the week would just hurry up! :lol:
Enjoyed stargazing south and north sky. There are Libra, Bootes, Leo, Orion, Gemini, Auriga, Lepus, Turaus, Virgo, and few. I was able to pinpoint Libra before sunrise. There is Venus brightness between Virgo and Leo. Also Mars is beautiful orange bright visible next to west side of Gemini. Outside is very COLD!
my weekend was tough but I feel relaxed now
i cleaned my home today, wash clothes and wait for my friend come to visit.. :D
I ditched work today to visit my great-Aunt in the hospital. Hey at least its a legitimate reason to get out of work. Besides I got a good meal out of the deal. ;)

No actually I went with my pastor, his wife, and their daughter. My great-Aunt was thought to have had a heart attack but after many testes, the doctors said her heart is healthy, and after more tests everything has come back normal. She said that one of her children were going to take her home (grown children mind you, which would make them my 2nd cousins if Im correct.) Anyway- so we went to a restaurant called the 'Marketplace'. I ordered the Ceasar Chicken Salad with grilled chicken, and then an unsweet tea. It was pretty good. Then they brought out this delicious bread - it was very good, but it was also very buttery and greasy! I only ate 2 slices of it.

Then we returned to town and I gave my pastor $20 to repay him for the meal and the gas in his car and he said no - I said keep it, then he put the money in the car seat, then I said keep it then shut the car door. Went over to mine and drove off. Then I picked Maddie up from school and I thought I had not received that Christmas music for my special so I went by the church to get it, then my pastor was in there and we had a bit of a disagreement that neither of us wanted the money - then the music minister said take the money and buy something nice for your daughter. But I said I would feel rather guilty about not putting in my share for the meal and the gas. Then my pastor said he gets mileage. So after 10 minutes of back and forth- "no-you-keep-the-money" I gave in and took my $20 back. :lol:

I think I'll just stick the money in his Christmas card and be done with it! :lol:
I ditched work today to visit my great-Aunt in the hospital. Hey at least its a legitimate reason to get out of work. Besides I got a good meal out of the deal. ;)

No actually I went with my pastor, his wife, and their daughter. My great-Aunt was thought to have had a heart attack but after many testes, the doctors said her heart is healthy, and after more tests everything has come back normal. She said that one of her children were going to take her home (grown children mind you, which would make them my 2nd cousins if Im correct.) Anyway- so we went to a restaurant called the 'Marketplace'. I ordered the Ceasar Chicken Salad with grilled chicken, and then an unsweet tea. It was pretty good. Then they brought out this delicious bread - it was very good, but it was also very buttery and greasy! I only ate 2 slices of it.

Then we returned to town and I gave my pastor $20 to repay him for the meal and the gas in his car and he said no - I said keep it, then he put the money in the car seat, then I said keep it then shut the car door. Went over to mine and drove off. Then I picked Maddie up from school and I thought I had not received that Christmas music for my special so I went by the church to get it, then my pastor was in there and we had a bit of a disagreement that neither of us wanted the money - then the music minister said take the money and buy something nice for your daughter. But I said I would feel rather guilty about not putting in my share for the meal and the gas. Then my pastor said he gets mileage. So after 10 minutes of back and forth- "no-you-keep-the-money" I gave in and took my $20 back. :lol:

I think I'll just stick the money in his Christmas card and be done with it! :lol:
Thank the lord for the ".....many testes..." Right? :giggle:
:laugh2::-o:oYou know I didnt catch that before but now Im blushing over that one! :lol:
dang my friend not make it come oh well.. next time will.. smiles.. wish me lucky for tmw interiew job.. hehe
I was Abducted by Umm Who knows what HA HA!!

Hello To everyone of you.. I haven't been able to post on much lately, but did the best I could to catch up on some of the deaf news. First I would like to say Happy BELATED THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE OF YOU MEMBERS and hope You all ate good.

2nd.. I have been so busy with school to finish the GED test and boy that wasn't easy for deaf person to take it with all the WAIT for the paperworks for the accommodations in order to take the GED test. The only reason that anyone with a disability must have accommodation paperwork filled out in order to get approval from the government to take Test with interperter or how much time you are allowed and other stuff like that. That was a BIG BITE In the UMM (bleeeep can't say it). I was given 4 days with the GED test. The GED Administrator said that the real GED Test allows 2 days, except for me I had the paperwork filled out which gave me double time on each parts of the test. I did graduated from high school, but my diploma wasn't a regular high school and that made me mad. I have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for my results as going to GED class for one year was the hardest thing that I ever done, but I quit easily after my first time that I failed and wouldn't go back to finish. I have worked jobs, but did not like the work I was doing. This is the BEST thing that I have ever done for myself as an adult.

I went to VR last week and they got me all set up for new hearing aids and glasses. I told them that I would get them as soon as I can afford to pay for glasses and HAs. Since I have not worked for a year now or saved any money. I get disability, but it's not SSI or SSDI . I got a settlement from lawsuit with the hospital and I'm set for life. I pay my bills with it and no money saved. I was surprised when they told me that they will pay for it both HAs and glasses. I feel like this is the best Christmas present that I ever got and it's my FIRST TIME with VR.

So I can say that I'm Alright and doing just fine, but it will take me maybe YEARS to catch up with some news that I may have missed or something GOOD. BUT I HOPE EVERYONE IS DOING GOOD!:grouphug:
First thing first - Welcome back Princess Ocrid! I hope all is going well for you

I think I'll just stick the money in his Christmas card and be done with it! :lol:

Didn't you eventually think about that before you snatched the $20 off your pastor? :lol:
My hometown snow still non stop for 48 hours. It never quit yet!

That's beautifull, I like looking at snow but I don't like the cold..
It's been such long time haven't online that much due no sk2 so wait till tax coming up then will buy new sk3. Last weekend is not good for me since last sat night from bar someone mofo threw and destory windowsheld and flat tire so i get :pissed: and i was soo :cry: all sat night till 5am finally go sleep but i will be ok and little scare chit out and i dunno who did to my car *shrug* so will have to fixied my car soon. so time for me get ready go work hate take bus for while till my car will get fixed *smh* so miss y'all :D
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