Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

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the one in Morrilton is small but its very old building that was built in 1916. It had been renovated to meet the code like elevator and all that. it look much better than before! :)

Conway County Library: About
They have to set up a new library is because they were using the school building as a library since the students were getting smaller in the past. Now, the students are growing big and big. They need that building back. So that's why the old library have to move to a new place soon.
good morning everyone.. it is raining HARD like cats n dogs! im already SOAKED! jo jo got the truck and trailer with horse in it stuck in mud .. yikes! i hope she can get out .. the ground is already too saturated from all of the rains we have been getting the last few days! the driveway is flooded again :) I love the rains! heheh..
good morning everyone.. it is raining HARD like cats n dogs! im already SOAKED! jo jo got the truck and trailer with horse in it stuck in mud .. yikes! i hope she can get out .. the ground is already too saturated from all of the rains we have been getting the last few days! the driveway is flooded again :) I love the rains! heheh..
My goodness!!! Poor you and them!!!

I love this thing!!! :giggle:
Where did you find this cute cat walking with paws all over???

SO CUTE! I wanna the website and find something else for my signature in near future. :)
Oh I don't remember what site. It had been a long time ago that I found. Ya can click save picture as.
I can feel fall in the air.. its very COOL this morning.. the temp is 63. Wow FELT SO GOOD! tonight it will be 55. Hooray!!! I woke up in the middle of the night hot so pushed my blanket off and turned the fan on (the ac is on?) then woke up not long ago COLD.. so turned a/c off and the fan off.. LOL.. :P
rain rain rain on and off all day!!! and alittle chill too. brrr
76 degrees here now. It was a cool 51 degrees this morning :)
i have leave here at 430pm to go starbuck's at 5pm for meeting
its very cool here now.. 65 degrees and should be 55 tonight.. brrrrrrrrrrr but nice night.. im sure i will be able to sleep well! :lol:
I want :popcorn: but the brand we have in pantry isn't my taste...oh well! I'll go store tomorrow on way home from friend's to get few things.
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