Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

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i am cooking turkey dinner yummy.. my hubby have go work 11am to 8pm so when he get off then we will eat together tonight smiles..

I am cooking turkey dinner, too.....and I used your recipe for Pumkin Roll! Yummy!
Last weekend was opening day for Migratory Waterfowl Season - meaning ducks. Goose season opened back during October - they are scheduling a nuisance goose control season later this winter likely in Feb basically its an open season on goose since there so many of them. One guy made the news when he and his friends bagged 100+ geese altogether in one weekend. I personally think its a bad idea I mean just think about all of that wasted meat. Im sure goose isnt exactly a delicacy but I sure hope they donated some of that to some needy families. I would hate to see the eventual extinction of geese with this open season. I think it should be regulated just as ducks are regulated - this prevents closed seasons and lower bag limits in the long run and helps protect the overall balance of the ecosystem.

Now that Im off my flower power pedestal - I will however take advantage of the weekend to score an extra goose or two for training, there is only so much you can do with dummies, feahers give the dogs a more realistic experience.
Also- I have been up the past two night with my DD being ill. She has had trouble breathing and has been running a fever and complaints of various body parts hurting ranging from her head to her chest. It happens only at night it seems, and I suspect an infection so I am going to do my Christmas shopping super early from 5-8 then run home to take my DD to the clinic as soon as it opens at 9.
I hope all of you had good Thanksgiving? We sure did! We went to friend's house and had dinner there. I spent the afternoon watching movies on tv.. TJ came back home around 8 pm from his father's. He had fun! :)

I am not going shopping tmw morning- forget it.. it's gonna be crowd..lol i will go in afternoon, lol.. I have to go to town to check and see if they can fix TJ's glasses. It broke. :(

Whoever are going shopping tmw- Good luck! and be careful! :)
And Dixie- I hope your DD will feel better soon! :(

TJ was sick last week with sore throat and headaches.. I was sick too.. Now much better but I still got allergies to deal with! grrr.. nose dripping.. ugh! I hate it! ah thats the way of life! hehe! :)
Well me and my DD survived black Friday! Ive got 90% of my shopping done - I just need to go back another day without my DD and I'll be done! Then when Ive got all the gifts I'll wrap them and put them in the spare bedroom with super strict instructions for no one to go in there until after Dec 24th!

Mom will surely enjoy her gift, dad - I dunno but part of is going to take some effort on my part to do. my brother will like his, and since Tues is my birthday - I bought myself a new warm coat.

I also bought my grandfather a Louis L'Amour book- one of the short stories collections, I am sure he will enjoy them. I still need something for my grandmother but I will return to Hobby Lobby to shop around a bit more to get an idea.
it's damn cold here! brrr.. the high is only 40. They r expecting it to sleet here and might have freezing rains later on tonight. I hope it wont be that serious! :(

Stay warm and enjoy your day! :D
Well me and my DD survived black Friday! Ive got 90% of my shopping done - I just need to go back another day without my DD and I'll be done! Then when Ive got all the gifts I'll wrap them and put them in the spare bedroom with super strict instructions for no one to go in there until after Dec 24th!

Mom will surely enjoy her gift, dad - I dunno but part of is going to take some effort on my part to do. my brother will like his, and since Tues is my birthday - I bought myself a new warm coat.

I also bought my grandfather a Louis L'Amour book- one of the short stories collections, I am sure he will enjoy them. I still need something for my grandmother but I will return to Hobby Lobby to shop around a bit more to get an idea.

Good job for surviving black Friday! 90% done! Wow! I need to take tips from you!

I just got back from the dentist and man, it is just pure ice cold out there! I am happy to be back in my warm home and it makes me more appreciative that I have a roof over my head. I feel so sorry for the homeless people out in the cold. :(
Ahhh chrissy cardies time soon to be sent out. Whoo hoo! I am feeling the chrissy spirits. I saw a house just around the corner have it chrissy decorations lights up last night and its soo colourful. Soon there will be more houses having it up and I just love to look at them. Today I am gonna put up my chrissy tree and decorate it. Don't know what colour theme I will use this year. :D
I just go in and already have in mind what I want to get and how much I am willing to pay for it.

Like for instance- my mother is a chicken collector, she collects all things chicken - so I thought a nice framed and matted picture of a chicken would serve well and I also threw in some other chicken goodies. She'll like it.

As for my dad he is an avid outdoorsman so I found an unpainted wooden canoe shaped box and I bought some paints, Im going to paint it then antique it for a custom look, then I also bought him a deer ammo box.

As for my brother he's always wearing screen print t-shirts so I went to penneys and bought him two shirts - one of Lynard Skynard and the other of Nirvana, both in a distressed look.

Then for my DD she's getting a new toddler bed this year complete with a princess sheet set, and Im hoping to find her a small nightstand and find a matching princess lamp to go on it.

So before I even leave the house I always have a general idea of what Im getting for each person based on their hobbies and whatnot. Plus I dont dilly-dally and get sidetracked.
FC - I was out at 3:00pm this afternoon snapping photos in the cold. The steel grey sky provides good balanced lighting for photos. I can use the fill flash function and get evenly exposed shots.
boy, i had a busy day today.....

I had to work then i went to my parents for dinner and mom told me, my bro and my cousins are going to the x mas festival of lights parade, and i'm like what?! why didn't u let me know!?! so I hurried to eat then grabbed my brother sweatshirt because I didn't have any sweatshirt to wear when i was at work then we left to the parade, and waited for a while had hot chocolate and popcorn, played with some kids, while we waited for parade to start, and it was beautiful!!!!! of course, it was freezing outside too, some of us covered in blankets while watching the parade. :-D


enjoy - if u want to see some pictures that they have. :)
boy, i had a busy day today.....

I had to work then i went to my parents for dinner and mom told me, my bro and my cousins are going to the x mas festival of lights parade, and i'm like what?! why didn't u let me know!?! so I hurried to eat then grabbed my brother sweatshirt because I didn't have any sweatshirt to wear when i was at work then we left to the parade, and waited for a while had hot chocolate and popcorn, played with some kids, while we waited for parade to start, and it was beautiful!!!!! of course, it was freezing outside too, some of us covered in blankets while watching the parade. :-D


enjoy - if u want to see some pictures that they have. :)
wow it was so beautiful color lights
oh great!!! i am glad to hear that.. hehe. wow ur son ate 3 pieces wow!

Yeah, at one time! Then he took a chunk back to college with him today! (I had to make another one on Friday so he would have some to take home!)
Yeah, at one time! Then he took a chunk back to college with him today! (I had to make another one on Friday so he would have some to take home!)

awww!!! good idea make one for him bring college hehehe.. :D
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