I take it, no beer, hmm?
Dang, whats wrong with the piss water, huh?
You need to see a movie, stranger
Jclarke, Time to go bed! almost 2 am
It is very similiar to rubber/plastic being on fire, nasty smell!
yes at first i thought oreo got hit by car cuz smell rubber tire burn coming in... oreo was laying on floor all quiet.. i was like huh??? thats when i got hit by the smell! burnt plastic and realized it was skunk. i have allergies.. thats why i wasnt sure.. lmao!
hey laketahoe THANKS for the tip! I will TRY it now!!!! MANY THANKS! hugs!
My son caught a frog in our backyard...I don't know how it got here! LOL! So cute but we have to let it go before we leave for mini trip!
aww that so sweet!
Thanks Tweety! But I'll be a bit sad when we have to let it go tomorrow night before we hit the sack early.