Whatever happened to....?


New Member
Apr 27, 2006
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AD has a whole bunch of new people since I lasted posted on a regular basis, but many of the people I enjoyed having around seem to be long gone. Nancy, AJ, Katzie, CookieMonster, flyfishfemme, and..... *ahem* HER. I haven't seen posts by any of these people in the longest time. What the heck happened?! :pissed:
Well maybe they just get sick of this forum? I didn't mean to be rude..

And this forum is open to all people, so new people always comes.
I know why they don't come here much anymore, except other forums they go to. :)
People come and go, some people just have a life of their own, and don't have time to post on forums, or they're somewhere else out on the internet in another forum. ;)
I've been a AD member for a while now and since I have bought a house with my gf...things has started to get busy around here and I work at the quarry so they usually tire me out at the end of the day, I like to come home and have dinner then we would spend quality time together watching some TV or trying to get the house cleaned. ya know....that sort of things. but I still try to find the time to come on here and read and maybe make a post or 2.
I've been a AD member for a while now and since I have bought a house with my gf...things has started to get busy around here and I work at the quarry so they usually tire me out at the end of the day, I like to come home and have dinner then we would spend quality time together watching some TV or trying to get the house cleaned. ya know....that sort of things. but I still try to find the time to come on here and read and maybe make a post or 2.

Congratulation on buying a house. ;) That's sweet about spending quality time with your girlfriend cuddling up in front of a TV, I think I get the rest after that. :giggle:
Congratulation on buying a house. ;) That's sweet about spending quality time with your girlfriend cuddling up in front of a TV, I think I get the rest after that. :giggle:

LOL yeah if we have the energy to do that SORT of thing lol
*wonders whatever THAT sort of thing is* :hmm:


Kangaroo... what Bowak is hinting about has to do with a bed and some clothes (or all) flying off and the thing Bowak and his gf are doing to enjoy each other..lol... ya should get the hint easily... lol oh boy...

Bawky, congrats on the house ya bought, man... how it shaping up eh?

Guido, one of the names ya mentoined in here, she still is here under another sn I believe... but will let ya figure it out...and ya will see her old sn under her avater with her current sn somewhere...
it's like marriage, it change anyone. It cannot stay same.

Always on and off by repeat itself. *shurg*
Kangaroo... what Bowak is hinting about has to do with a bed and some clothes (or all) flying off and the thing Bowak and his gf are doing to enjoy each other..lol... ya should get the hint easily... lol oh boy...

Bawky, congrats on the house ya bought, man... how it shaping up eh?

Guido, one of the names ya mentoined in here, she still is here under another sn I believe... but will let ya figure it out...and ya will see her old sn under her avater with her current sn somewhere...

You're not talking about HER are you? I figured if SHE was still around, I'd of seen her by now.
Are you sure that these people you mentioned aren't banned or requested their accounts to be removed?

I have seen some people come and go. Thats life and deal with it.
Who is Her that you're speaking of? ;)

Ughh. You know. She who shall not be named.

I'm pretty sure everytime someone says her name, she has a click in that weird-looking peanut of brain that senses attention.
Guido.. .that HER ya speak of, that not who I am referring to... the other person is here and her old sn is underneath her current avater in here... another hint is one animal who meows.. let ya figure that out.. if not that's okay...
Ive been on several forums and Internet groups in the last ten years or so of Internet usage and they all come and go. People and circumstances change. Some groups just disband altogether as the members themselves abandon the whole group, the group has a major falling out, or the group no longer sees a need for an internet group if they can get the same thing in a local face-to-face interaction.Still others find another hobby or they simply find another Internet forum they like better with no offense to the other.

Expect change even on Internet forums just as you see in real-life. Its not a bad thing unless people get drug through the mud, but sometimes change is good because it forces you out of your comfort zone and to discover a part of you, you never knew about.
AD has a whole bunch of new people since I lasted posted on a regular basis, but many of the people I enjoyed having around seem to be long gone. Nancy, AJ, Katzie, CookieMonster, flyfishfemme, and..... *ahem* HER. I haven't seen posts by any of these people in the longest time. What the heck happened?! :pissed:

I'm right here, and who you might be? :hmm: