i got for christmas are:
- orange psych ward sweater
- huge bar of hershey
-one nice shirt for court since i need one
- hardcover hello kitty calender from 2008 to 2009
- chapstick
- two christmas pens, one that look like palm tree on top with christmas decrocrate (sp) and one is candy cane that smell like candy cane
- one big black frame with three pixs of alex, my son
- one cute kid frame that i can color on it with one pix of alex sitting on the lap of santa clause lol
- small frame of alex in the first christmas in 2008 to hang on the christmas tree
- new PJ's, purple and black spot of leopards
for alex:
- bunch of clothes that i cant count
- few new shoes
- one new toy
- cute little slield (sp) that have his name on it and can hang it on the christmas tree
i think thats all lol
- orange psych ward sweater
- huge bar of hershey
-one nice shirt for court since i need one
- hardcover hello kitty calender from 2008 to 2009
- chapstick
- two christmas pens, one that look like palm tree on top with christmas decrocrate (sp) and one is candy cane that smell like candy cane
- one big black frame with three pixs of alex, my son
- one cute kid frame that i can color on it with one pix of alex sitting on the lap of santa clause lol
- small frame of alex in the first christmas in 2008 to hang on the christmas tree
- new PJ's, purple and black spot of leopards
for alex:
- bunch of clothes that i cant count
- few new shoes
- one new toy
- cute little slield (sp) that have his name on it and can hang it on the christmas tree
i think thats all lol