what you do before bedtime to ur kids?

Subject about my children (soon to be 13 years old) and (soon to be 10 years old).

DeafSCUBA98 said:
I'm curious what do you do for your kids before bedtime?

I told them it's their bedtime and then switch TV off... I go with them to upstair...

are you allowed to have them drink liquids before bedtime?

No soft drinks where the sugar is add but water and milk.

If therer'e potty training, then no drink for 2 hours before go to bedtime.

do you read them story?

I used to when they were toddlers to young children... no more now since 5 or 6 years but somtimes they want me to stay with them for chat... They loves to read themselves at their bedtimes. They can't sleep when there're no books to read... They need books or magazine to read...

do you sing a song?

No, I am not good singing... :D

do you let your kids watch movie before bedtime?

Their bedtimes is 9.00 pm... Depend how good meanfuling movies is for the children... yes.

At the weekends, ANYTIMES.. until they feel tired then go to bed... (Fridays and Saturdays only and also school holiday).

are you allowed to have them drink liquids before bedtime?

Tiny bit for my oldest - my other youngest one - just little bit. My oldest gets up in middle of night to go potty.

do you read them story? Yes sometimes when they ask for it (lately its 3 books in a row per night)

do you sing a song? haha, boys sing to me and they always have their music cd playing at night (classic, lullabies, and country)

do you let your kids watch movie before bedtime? umm yeah, until 7 or 730, then they get quiet time then off to zzzz land.
Oldest kids..
soon 10yrs old.. goes bed at 8pm
soon 12yrs old.. goes bed at 8:30pm
13 years old.. goes bed at 9pm...
I tried to have them all go bed at 9pm.. eek it wont work.. they all agured and fights.. plus have problem with getting up.. so thats why.. i set up each child with time to go bed..

Allen (3)... goes bed at 9:30-10pm cuz he had long nap..
Marshalee.. goes bed .. between 7-9pm, she always
fall sleep.. she crawls on our bed and go sleep, she is great with "going bed" she loves sleep..

Oldest kids can handle themselves before go bed.. read or drink..

For Allen or Marshalee.. No drink right before sleep.. not water, juice.. I gave them 1/4 glass of milk.. tv/movie (cartoon or kids movie) for 30 min..
if they still wake.. I turn off and sit by them or lay down with them.. they will go sleep right away..

I dont believe in tv/movies to left on till they go sleep.. I forbid TVs in kids' bedrooms... if they arent tired or cant go sleep.. read book.. its more educational than watching tv...

Sing and read story.. sometimes if they are sick or cant sleep.. :)

how sing.. you guys can sing.. by signing.. be creative.. just ask child.. to help you make song. by signing..

"we found an A" (asking child what to do with A)
he/she said.. an A for apple.. (sign apple)..
(asking child what to do with an apple)
we see apple tree, we pick and eat an apple.. then start sing with sign.
we found an A,
A for an apple,
we see an apple tree, we pick and eat an apple..
then go on B..

after A and B.. tell child.. good nite.. we will work on C and D.. tomorrow or we have time..

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